Chapter 21

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Y/n's P.O.V

Jungkook: "So you do notice".
He said smirkingly, eyeing me and that's when we heard our teacher announce we're playing badminton today. We all grab our rackets, but oh wait badminton is a pair sport.

Teacher: "Find a partner and get a shuttlecock to share between you two".
Whom am I playing with though? Jungkook maybe? I look over to Jungkook but he's surrounded by lot of girls. I sigh and approach a girl who I never knew existed. But now I know she does. Halfway through our game, someone beside us lifts up his racket to hit the shuttlecock, but ends up throwing the racket at me. I flinch and shut my eyes, expecting a menacing slam into my head, but nothing does. Jungkook stands in front of me, but Dohyun catches the racket before it hits me.

Jungkook: "Are you alright"?

Y/n: "Y-yeah I'm fine, thanks".
I look at Dohyun, but he just gives back the racket and walks away. Strange.

Teacher: "Class is over. Go change".
Our teacher announces and everyone nods sauntering away. I make my way out, still dazed from earlier, but someone grabs my arm.

Lia: "Y/n, I really need to talk to you".
Her face displays nothing but concern, but I couldn't care less.

Y/n: "I don't have time, Lia".

Lia: "Please, Y/n. I really need to".

Y/n: "Why? Why do you need to talk to me? To ruin my life some more? To report back to your clique leader"?

Lia: "Y/n--".

Y/n: "Shut it. I've realised a lot of things this past week".
I couldn't stop my harsh tone of voice. Lia stays silent. I've never seen her this quiet or concerned before, but that doesn't stop me from being as mean as possible.

Y/n: "And one of them is that I don't need you guys. Fake fucking bitches. All you ever did was lie to me and pretend to care".

Lia: "Well... Do you know why Hana won't come to school"?

Y/n: "I'm not her assistant and I don't fucking care".

Lia: "Oh.. She just messaged me and said she won't come to school for a couple of days, or even months and she says that she's quitting cheerleading. I thought you should know".

Y/n: "Do I look like I give two fucks about her whereabouts? Now stop trying to ruin my life even more, I've things to do".
I said and brushed past her straight towards my home. The rest of the day, I felt a weight on my shoulder. I kept questioning myself whether I was too harsh to Lia? She was the first one to confront me since the incident, so I just took it all out on her. But, what I need to do first is talk to my mom and so I took out my phone and dialled her number, waiting patiently for her to pick up my call and she did when it was on the last ring.

Y/n: "Mom, I want to talk about my engagement with Dohyun, he cheated on me!.. Ok fine, I'm listening".
But the conversation was just a blur as we kept arguing. After a while, I just slammed the phone down. Fuck her bullshits. As I slammed my phone, Mrs.Kim entered my room with a tray of food.

Y/n: "Why is she being a control freak now? Does she not love me anymore"?

Mrs.Kim: "Your mom just doesn't know how to show her love for you. But, she cares about you. A lot".

Y/n: "The only way I can cope with her is from a distance".

Mrs.Kim: "What did she say"?

Y/n: "She said if I really don't want to, she would respect my decision, and she said she was sorry that she didn't consult me first. But, she doesn't care at all about what happened between Dohyun and me".

Mrs.Kim: "Well--".

Y/n: "Please, let's not talk about her anymore".
I said and she nodded before leaving my room. I laid straight on my bed, squirming in it. Mom said it was Dohyun who kept this proposal infront of mom. I'm starting to get confused about his actions.
What does he wants exactly?

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