Chapter 22

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Y/n's P.O.V

Suddenly, I'm starting to understand the things that Mrs.Kim always says "Such is life, when all the sweetest memories slip away, only the aroma remains and that's life, that's love, that's how we love, and how we are loved. Everything will someday be a thing of past". I sigh and look out of the window as Mrs.Kim's words play in my mind, the road is still shiny with puddles, but the rain has stopped. My body gives in with exhaustion and slumbers itself to sleep.


The next morning, instead of taking one of my cars, I decide to ride my bike to school. Surely, they won't recognise me because who would think Y/n, the richest girl in town would like biking? But, biking woke me up better than coffee, this morning. I park my bike in the parking area and as I make my way inside, I'm greeted by Jungkook.

Jungkook: "You're in a good mood today, huh"?

Y/n: "Yup, new day, new me".
He smiles at me while nodding, but suddenly his eyes turns cold and I feel a presence behind me.

Dohyun: "Good morning".

Y/n: "Morning. Oh uh... Thanks for your help yesterday during P.E class".
He gives me a slight nod as his gaze moves between Jungkook and me.

Dohyun: "Nevermind".
He said before leaving us, weird.

During the medical class, Jungkook sits down next to me and I turn towards him slightly.

Y/n: "Thanks for your help yesterday".
I said and grabbed a soft-baked cookie from my bag that I made for him and slided it over to him. He just looked down at it, with a puzzled expression.

Jungkook: "For me"?
I nod discreetly, trying to avoid teacher's attention.

Y/n: "I wasn't sure what you'd like, so I figured my best cookie would be the safest. You know, a cookie for kookie".
He chuckled slightly at my implication and looked awkwardly at cookie, as it he wasn't used to getting gifts from people.

Jungkook: "Did you get one for Dohyun too"?

Y/n: "Uh no. I didn't get anything for him".

Jungkook: "Great, I'll take it".
He said flashing me his bunny smile and I could feel my heart skip a beat. The things he does to me.


For the rest of the week, I noticed Jungkook looking at me more than usual. From the corner of my eye, I'd see his curious expression as if I'm a puzzle and he's trying to piece me together. He'd tease me here and there about things, but he never once mentioned anything about his past. We kept our conversations light and very short. It was currently Friday night and I was sprawled across my bed with my phone resting on top of my stomach. I looked at my phone as it made a beep. A message from Jungkook. Gulping slightly, I opened the message, feeling nervous suddenly.

Jungkook: "Would you like to go out tomorrow"?

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