Chapter 38

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Y/n's P.O.V

The night was here before we realised and we were now standing infront of the party house. The house is pretty big. It looks like a mini mansion. Unlike mine, this one is open with a huge pool infront of it. It wasn't surprising to see half naked teens already in the pool. Hyunsu dropped us off at the entrance before going to find a parking space. The sun is just setting but the party is already full in buzz. The front doors are closed. To my surprise, there's a short line to get in. A man is at the door, asking for names before he lets people in.

Lia: "What is this? A night club? I've never seen that at parties before. Sometimes, a dollar or two will be collected at the entrance, but never names".
Now that I think of it, it does sounds a little weird but I shrug it off. When it's our turn to step up, the bouncer asks for our names.

Bouncer: "Names"?

Lia: "Lia".
The bouncer then points towards me and I told him my name.
Once we are in, we observe the scenario infront of us.

Lia: "Whoever is throwing this party is all kind of dumb".
She's right. The mansion is way too fancy for a house party. A chandelier hanging from the ceiling, now with a couple of socks in it... somehow? Some of the decor is made of glass, the carpet is surely to be made out of some expensive material, judging by how gorgeous it is. Well this house is ruined. I cringe internally.

Mark: "Y/n. You came".
Just on cue, the dumb owner is here. Lia's word, not mine.

Y/n: "Thanks for the invitation".

Mark: "I can't believe you're here. Where's Dohyun"?

Y/n: "I don't think I'm his assistant ".

Mark: "Well you're his girlfriend so-".

Y/n: "Ex. Ex-girlfriend".

Mark: "If you say so. Anyways, have a good time".
He makes a strange gesture with his fingers before he left. I remember he did the same gesture in the hospital. I didn't notice that before. There's something familiar about the gesture I've fond memories of it from when I was a kid. Is that a coincidence?

Lia: "Are you interested in him"?

Y/n: "Wtf? Hell to the no"!

Lia: "Well alright, I think I already know who you're interested in. But anyways, Hana would be angry to know she missed a party like this".

Y/n: "Right? No kidding".

Lia: "Let's just enjoy the party".
Lia grabs my wrist and drags me along with her to a massive kitchen. Opened alcohol bottles were crowding the table. She poured me a drink but, I shook my head.

Y/n: "I don't feel like it".

Lia: "Come on, you haven't been out in forever".
She said and shoved the drink in my hands.

*End of flashback*

I'm oblivious to what happened next but, it seems like someone knocked me out and kidnapped me.

Kidnapper: "It's great to see you're still calm. I don't like people screaming especially delicate young ladies".

𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐯𝐚𝐬 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 || Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora