Chapter 42

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I stood there in the hospital's lobby with Dohyun infront of me. I felt guilty. Guilty for dragging her in my mess and livid for being so selfish. I didn't regret the moments with her. From the first time my eyes met her, something about her intrigued me. She was inside the room, laying unconscious because of me. Never in my life had I felt so powerless. God knows I can't afford losing her, not at this point of life where I'm used to having her around me. Her awkward talks, the smile that lingers on her face when she's amused or happy, her weird obsession with unicorns and her sassy talks. You're whipped. I voice inside my mind spoke and I couldn't even deny that. I was whipped for her.

Dohyun: "Are you happy now"?

Jungkook: "Do I look happy"?

Dohyun: "Leave".

Jungkook: "Pardon"?

Dohyun: "I said leave. You've done enough destruction to her. Leave before I kill you".
I scoff at his words and glare at him. Yes, she was inside because of my past but, he doesn't has any right to tell me what to do.

Jungkook: "And who do you think you're to tell me to leave her? I'm not leaving her, not now, not never".
It was a promise and any sane could sense it. He scoffed and looked at me with pure hatred.

Dohyun: "Haven't you done enough damages"?

Jungkook: "And I'll fix my damages. I'll fix her, I'll fix my canvas. I love her, heck, even love isn't enough to define what I feel for her. I just want to keep her in my arms with me, she keeps me sane. I really love her, too much for my own good".
My voice dripped with sincerity and for a while we both were quiet before he exhaled a sigh loudly.

Dohyun: "I'm leaving. She loves you. I lost her, I lost her the moment I cheated on her, you don't deserve her and neither do I but for some annoying reason, she loves an asshole like you. I'll leave for her, this place is starting to haunt me".
I was taken aback, surprised he actually said that but, before I could speak, we heard a noise from Y/n's room. I stilled at her voice, she's safe. The doctor came out and we rushed in, not even bothering to inquire the doctor.

Y/n's P.O.V

A huge headache welcomed me the moment I opened my eyes, I groaned loudly at the pounding and the noise of footsteps didn't much help with that. Where the fuck am I?

Jungkook: "Y/n! Thank god you're awake".

Dohyun: "Y/n! Are you okay"?

Jungkook: "Of course not, you dumb fuck".

Dohyun: "Hey who do you think--".

Y/n: "Shut up".
My voice cracked while speaking and Jungkook rushed to my side as soon as he heard me and gave me water. He patted my back gently as I drank the water and Dohyun just stood there, eyeing us.

Y/n: "W-what happened? How did we survive"?

Jungkook: "You need to rest now, love. We can discuss this later".
I looked at him and grabbed his hand before pulling it, making him sit on the bed which I'm currently laying on.

Y/n: "Please".
My voice showed my desperation, he just sighed before nodding and kissing the top of my head. His kiss soothing my headache as I inhaled his cologne. He smells amazing. Dohyun cleared his throat and I looked at him, oops I forgot about him.

Dohyun: "I'll be going home then. Take care Y/n. I'm moving to Edmonton. Have a great future. Call me if he hurts you, I'd love to break his face".
I looked at him in confusion and Jungkook just rolled his eyes.

Y/n: "Why"?

Dohyun: "I can't focus here anymore, Y/n. Goodbye".
And those were his last word before he left the room. Silence engulfed the air as I processed the whole situation.

Y/n: "You won't leave me, right"?
I hated feeling vulnerable but, I couldn't help but feel weak at this moment.

Jungkook: "Of course not, love. Can't let my unicorn out of my life".

Y/n: "Unicorn, eh? You're weird but, cute. Anyways, tell me what happened"?

Jungkook: "Alright, love. So, while the chaos was on, Mark somehow managed to sneak inside the basement through the back window. June was going to press the button on his bracelet so that the place would explode but, Mark shot him before he could press it. Unfortunately for you, you passed out. Maybe from the lack of energy or panick attack but, now we are fine".

Y/n: "Where's Mark"?

Jungkook: "He's under the custody of cops for shooting June".

Y/n: "But--"

Jungkook: " Yeah I know the police witnessed it all, and that's why a case would be presented before he's proven not guilty. Now, don't worry, I'm here".
He wiped my tears which I didn't knew started flowing.

Y/n: "It was a horrible nightmare".
He nodded and smiled at me, his eyes shined with adoration as his eyes pierced in mine. In a swift motion, I leaned into him, needing to feel his lips on mine. He looks stunned, but that doesn't lasts for long as he pinned me underneath him, his tongue hungrily invading my mouth as I moan into the kiss, nothing has ever felt this blissful. My whole body tingled and burned with the passion we shared. The kiss is desperate, needy, promising, passionate and full of emotions. He holds on to me so tightly, like I'd disappear into thin air if he lets me go. He whispers a sorry in our kiss, his voice strained and emotional, and I feel my eyes prickle from the wave of emotions he's transferring into me, my heart pounding in my chest as I inhale his scent, my arms circling around his neck and holding onto him for dear life. He pulls back and the room echoes with our heavy panting. He rested his forehead against mine as we stared into each other's soul.

Jungkook: "I love you, so fucking much. I can't lose you. I want you to be my art. You keep me sane, you calm my demons, you barged into my life with colours and I want to do the same for you, love. Would you marry me"?

Y/n: "I- wait what?! Jungkook.. Yes! I-i want you to be my artist and I want us to build our canvas together".

Jungkook: "Yes, love. A canvas of our life".
With that his lips found a way back to mine and all the worries left my soul, replaced by happiness. My Jungkook. He's my canvas.

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