Chapter 24

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Y/n's P.O.V

Jungkook: "You've got the wrong kind of bike, princess".
He said and leaned against his motorcycle and damn did he look hot.

Y/n: "I-i thought you meant b-bicycle".
I stuttered and let go of my bicycle, making it fall on the ground. Way to go embarrass myself more.

Jungkook: "When I said bike, I meant this baby".
He said patting his bike. His slick, black motorcycle looks like something out of a movie. It looks frightening.

Jungkook: "If you changed your mind. We can always call it off".
He said playfully. The shine in his eyes made it impossible for me to refuse his ride. We're doing it his way then. I step out of my gate and lock it behind me.

Y/n: "I've never ridden a motorcycle before".
I muttered slowly and took a deep breath trying to stop myself from being so nervous.

Y/n: "I'm willing to t-try".
I say but it all comes out shakily. My voice is a fucking betrayer.

Jungkook: "Your voice and face say otherwise, love".
In an instance he picked me up causing me to squeal, and placed me on the bike.

Jungkook: "You should hold onto me like your life depends on it".
He instructed placing a helmet on my head and I could feel heat gushing through my cheeks. He climbed on and reversed up the engine and as an instinct, my arms wrap around him. Damn, man got abs. When we sped off, I noticed he wasn't wearing a helmet.

Y/n: "Why aren't you wearing a helmet"?!
I try yelling over my helmet, but he doesn't hear my muffled voice. The ride is frightening, but enjoyable because I get to touch him. The adrenaline sure isn't helping to resist him. Too busy in enjoying his warmth, I didn't realise we arrived at a lake.

Y/n: "I thought you were bringing me to your house like we talked about before"?

Jungkook: "Can't you see a yellow house out there"?
I nod slowly as he lifts me off the bike and places me on the ground.

Y/n: "Is that your house"?

Jungkook: "No, I brought you to a stranger's house".
Geez, talk about hostility. Even though he said it sarcastically, I couldn't help but wonder if there's any truth to it.

Y/n: "Well that wasn't our deal. You know where I live, but I don't know about you. That's unfair"!

Jungkook: "Alright princess, so what am I supposed to do"?

Y/n: "Simple, tell me about your room".

Jungkook: "Plain walls with a few cracks here and there. A single twin-sized bed with a plain metal frame and a single wooden closet".

Y/n: "Wait, that sounds like a slightly updated prison cell. There's nothing personal about the room. I'm so confused, how about some posters? Or your teenage boy collection or... smut"?
Woops. Did I just ask him about smut?

Jungkook: "I don't have that kind of stuff. Disappointed"?

Y/n: "Yes! How am I supposed to learn more about you if your room sounds like an upgraded prison cell"?

Jungkook: "What if you're not supposed to learn more about me"?
He asked and took a step closer to me and leaned forward.

Jungkook: "I could be a serial killer for all you know, princess".
Goosebumps. They rose up on my body and I shivered slightly as he started circling me in an attempt to scare me.

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