Chapter 33

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Y/n's P.O.V

Mark: "He has hurt far too many people to be forgiven and I couldn't let him hurt you. I used to trust him like you do and so did my family but he betrayed us and brought disaster to us".

Y/n: "How do I know you're not lying to me? How can I be sure you're not trying to manipulate me"?

Mark: "What reason would I have to lie to you"?

Y/n: "To get me to turn him into you, so you can get your revenge".

Mark: "I wouldn't call it revenge. I'm just protecting you. I'm not trying to change your opinion of him. I just want you to be cautious".

Y/n: "I trust Jungkook. He's not the person you said he is".

Mark: "You're like me in many ways. Well I mean the old me".

Y/n: "What do you mean"?

Mark: "Innocence and lack of guile. I used to he like that. My parents got divorced a longtime ago and my brother took good care of me but unfortunately, that Mark is dead. By the way, how's your friend"?

Y/n: "She.. Her situation isn't that good but I think she'll be fine".

Mark: "You're a good friend. She's lucky to have you".

Y/n: "Same goes for you, I can tell you care about your friend a lot".

Mark: "There must be lots of people who like you".

Y/n: "Excuse me"?

Mark: "It's peaceful to talk and stay with you".
Why is he so weird.

Y/n: "Thanks".

Mark: "Oh sorry, my friend must be awake. It was nice talking to you".
Wish I could say the same but no it wasn't nice talking to him.

Y/n: "Bye".
After he left, I couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook. He hurt Mark's family and possibly killed someone. It seems suspicious that Mark would warn a complete stranger about him. I'm too exhausted to think more, especially with Hana on the operating table hovering between life and death.

Dohyun: "I brought you some fruits".
He said entering my vision.

Y/n: "Thanks".

Dohyun: "Are you planning to stay here until her operation is done".

Y/n: "Her mom texted me to stay away. They said she needs to remain in a sterile environment after the operation and she won't wake up very quickly".

Dohyun: "I'll drive you home".

Y/n: "Thanks".
We made it inside his car and without me knowing, I felt asleep. When I woke up I was still in his car.

Y/n: "Did I fall asleep? What time is it now"?

Dohyun: "It's 2 PM. You seemed tired so I didn't wake you up".

Y/n: "Sorry, where are we now"?

Dohyun: "Close to the restaurant. I thought you might be hungry".
When he stopped speaking, I nodded and we made our way to the restaurant. Now, sitting in a booth.

Dohyun: "Do you remember the last time that we came here"?

Y/n: "Yeah".

Dohyun: "It's impressive to think about how time has changed us. Just relax".

Y/n: "I can't. I keep imagining my body is anaesthetised, lying on the operating table".

Dohyun: "Let's hope for the best".

Y/n: "Thanks for your company, Dohyun".

Dohyun: "No worries".

He flashed me a small smile and I just nodded, not having energy to smile.

Dohyun: "Can I ask you something"?

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