Chapter 15

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"The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes".
~ Winston S. Churchill

Y/n's P.O.V

I feel all eyes on me but I shrink back into my seat. The morning is a blur. My outfit is plain, my phone is dead, and my stomach growled all morning because I skipped breakfast. The time passed by and it was time for gym class. I see Hana approaching me, her face is a deep shade of red and she looks like she is about to explode.

Y/n: "Hana, are you ok"?
She spins around so quickly it startles me. Lia gave me a wide eye look and speaks before Hana can. Interesting.

Lia: "Someone keyed her car again. Apparently it was way worse than last time".
I snort at her reply and roll my eyes. Honestly, I'd rather believe that pigs can fly instead of Lia's answer. I ignore her and indicate my question to Hyunsu who sauntered over to us.

Y/n: "Where is Dohyun"?

Hyunsu: "I haven't seen him since Friday. Where is Hana"?

Lia: "Umm she just left".
But wasn't she here right now? Is she secretly a witch? I mean I won't be surprised if she knows black magic-- wtf y/n shut up!

Hyunsu: "I'll see you both around".
Something is definitely going on. Jungkook isn't at school, Hana's car got keyed again. Dohyun is avoiding me so much and he didn't even come to school. With all the thoughts in my mind I heard the bell ringing, signalling it's lunch time. I make my way to the cafeteria with Lia beside me. Entering the cafeteria, I see Dohyun sitting there with Hana. I run towards them and they gave me a shocked look.

Y/n: "Dohyun? Where have you been"?!
I shout out my frustration on him, but instead of him, Hana speaks.

Hana: "Dohyun has a confession, don't you"?
He isn't too happy to have all the attention on him, especially since he has a black eye. I kind of know what is coming, but I pray it isn't true.

Dohyun: "Y/n.. I've been cheating on you with Hana".
He says calmy and honestly it's freaking me out.

Y/n: "What do you mean"?

Hana: "You heard him".
And the last bomb inside me ticked.

Y/n: "You shut the fuck up! You know what? You think you're so cool and shit but news flash barbie, you're a dumb headed girl whose definition of friendship is fucked up and if you speak again, I won't hold back myself from clawing your face out. And you! Dohfuckinghyun, you're a worthless manwhore who treats a girl like a fucking shit and cheats on her because you can't seem to keep your dick in pants".

Dohyun: "Y/n--".

Y/n: "Suck it up and if I ever see you near me again, I'm going to kill you and out of all the people you know I don't give empty promises".
My voice was intimidating and I could hear the gasps from the people. He looks me straight in the eyes and I could see him struggle, because I know him. I turn around on my heels and walk straight out of the cafeteria, as soon as the wind washes my face, I could feel myself break. The strong facade of mine faded as reality hits me. I'm proud of myself for what I did back there and there's not even a slightest part inside me that feels guilty but my eyes are blurry. I can't see well and my body shakes uncontrollably. I was fucking loyal to him but if I knew this is how dedication and loyalty pays back, I'd have left him without a second thought. It hurts so much. I feel my heart clench in pain. My eyes are red and puffy. My outift is destroyed and stinky. I thank the lord that Jungkook didn't see me in this state but I need him right now, so badly.
I run towards my home and go straight towards my bedroom. I spent the rest of the day hibernated. After showering, I curl up into a ball and cry. I cry in every possible position standing, sitting, leaning over, fetal position, crouching down. If crying were a workout. I would've been the strongest person on the earth after I'm done.
The day went by and it was Tuesday morning. I can't get out of bed. I ache all over. So, I spend the day lying in bed crying every now and then. My phone is dead like me, I don't know if someone called me or texted me, and I honestly don't give a flying fuck unless it's Jungkook. When Wednesday rolls around I felt slightly better. I manage to shower and groom myself but I didn't go to school again. Thursday drags on, my eyes are less puffy than the other days, but I still look pretty bad.
When Friday arrives, I decided to grab a bike, I've never ridden from my garage and ride it to one of the quietest spot in the town: The lake point. There's a narrow bridge over a small lake, during the dry season, it's merely a bed of rocks but since it has recent rained it's full of water. It's surrounded by serene woods. I took off my shoes and climb onto the edge of the bridge. I want to be spontaneous and do something I've never done before to distract myself from everything that's going on. The water seems warm enough for a quick swim but a voice stops me dead in my track.

Unknown: "You know you won't die, right"?

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