Chapter 18

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So idk why some of you don't vote after reading the chapters. It'd mean a lot to me if you guys could vote and comment because it's something that inspires me to update daily and is it too much to ask for? I hope you guys would take my request in consideration. Xoxo ♡

Y/n's P.O.V

When Monday morning rolls around, I'm more afraid than I thought I'd be to face the wrath.

Y/n: "Come on".
I say to myself in the mirror and sigh dramatically. I take a long time choosing an outfit. I feel relieved because I didn't see Dohyun or Hana before arriving in classroom.

Jungkook: "Shitty morning"?

Y/n: "Kind of, but everything is better than I thought it would be".

Jungkook: "Hope you feel the same way after P.E class".
Oh right. P.E class means facing those 2 bitches.

Y/n: "Thanks".
He nods at me and somehow the time passes away quicker than I expected it to. During P.E, no one in class talked to me, or even looked at me. I noticed Hana kept staring at Jungkook, but he doesn't look back at her. Suck that, whore. But what surprises me is that Hana doesn't seem to be together with Dohyun. They aren't making an eye contact at all. It's like, they're stranger to each other. Halfway through P.E, Lia looks like she's about to say something but Hana drags her off first. Weird. For the first time since high school started, I'm on the bad team in P.E. I know how it feels to be unpopular. People don't want you on their team and toss you around like a used candy wrapper. I feel like a reject. As the day drags on, I start to think I'm getting used to the stares, but suddenly Dohyun and Hana are walking toward me at the same time. As everyone stares at Dohyun and Hana, Jungkook moves stealthily over to ne. By the time I notice, Jungkook is already beside me. What's going on?

Dohyun: "Y/n, can we have a talk later"?

Hana: "Stay away from her, Dohyun".

Dohyun: "It's about me and her. It's none of your business. Know your place, Hana".
Woah buddy slow down there.

Hana: "I'll never give you a chance to use her again".

Dohyun: "I would never do that. It's that ugly delinquent who is using her"!

Jungkook: "Do you really have to make all that noise in here? I'm in no way related to your story".
Wait a minute tho, did he call Jungkook ugly delinquent? Pfft joke's on you.

Dohyun: "Stop pretending, Jungkook. You will only bring disaster to her".

Jungkook: "You've nothing to do with his".
Jungkook voice comes out intimidating and dark and I couldn't help but shiver at his voice tone. That's hot. Dohyun feels he has been publicly humiliated. A fight seems almost certain to break out soon between them, because Dohyun's knuckles are white and his hand is clenched. The tension between them terrifies and thrills people, and many of our classmates leave the gym and gather around. I heard someone say "I'd pay to see Jungkook beat Dohyun's ass! That guy's ego is bigger than the sun". One of the other guy chimes in "I heard he used to be in a gang". My ears perk up at this information. One of the girl fans and said "this is so fucking cool". "How do you know he was in a guy". One of the guy asks. The guy lowers his voice and starts talking so quietly I can't hear anything. Once the hushed whispers are over, one of the guys asks "so if the tattoo is on his left shoulder, he's a member"?! "That's so dumb, I don't get the whole gang tattoo thingy". A girl comments to which I agree internally. "How would we even ask him to show us"? Another girl asks to which a guy replies "We don't".

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