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Dear Junjie, 

Maybe it's a good thing you haven't responded to my letters, because I'm now starting to think that I'm crazy. 

I don't want to admit it, but maybe Mr. Fitzpatrick and Cami were right. Maybe I did hallucinate about merpeople. 

These past months have been stressful and I wouldn't be surprised if I imagined something, just to get attention. 

The thing is. . . 

It felt so real, you know? I could feel Caspian touching me and how his lips touched mine. 

Forget it. I probably sound stupid and that's the reason you haven't answered yet. Before you trash this letter, though, I have a question. 

Did you feel what I felt? Sorry, I probably sound weird. Let me clarify: did you feel that spark between us? 

Or not? 

In all the years I've known you — when we were friends and weren't — you're not one to hide your feelings, yet at the same time. . . 

God, I'm rambling now. 

Anyways, I'll apologize right now. I don't think there's any mermaids. I think I imagined that whole thing, because I was trying to get attention. 

I don't know what's real and what's not. I'm confused. If you get this letter, well, you can throw it away and forget about me. 

Sincerely, Sera. 

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