Chapter 36:

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Junjie spins towards the inspector, aghast. "Tell me you didn't just say that I'm partnered with Sam freaking Sato," he sputters. "Because I'm pretty sure I imagined that, right?" 

Sam only gapes, mouth hanging slightly open. "When you said I could have a partner, I didn't think you meant him!" Sam stammers, pointing out Junjie. "There has to be a mistake." 

Seth just smiles. "No mistake!" He beams, as if the sight of them together brings memories of rainbows and ice cream. "You two are working together!" 

"Well, I'm not part of the police department!" Junjie argues. "So you can't 'pair' me together with whoever!" 

"Oh, come now, don't be like that." Seth shoots him a look, one that says: try to play nice, alright? "You're a smart detective and so is Sam—" 

Junjie chokes. 

"Sam's not a detective," he points out. 

"He's not," Seth admits. "But he's clever." 

Junjie stares harder at Sam. 

"You also do realize that I despise him, right?" Junjie announces. "I can't work with someone I despise." 

"Yeah," Sam piles on. "I hate Junjie and I don't want to work with him. After what he did to my face? Nuh-uh." 

Seth gives them both a stern look. "Come on, you two," Seth pleads. "I understand that you two may have a history, but that doesn't mean you can't work together! If you two listen to each other, you'll find that one another is a genius in his own way." 

"Doubtful," Junjie snorts under his breath. 

"Hey!" Sam protests, glaring at his rival. "I'm smart." 

"Are you, now?" 

Sam falls silent. 

"Fine, then." Seth sighs. "I suppose I'll have to do this the hard way." 

He pulls out a pair of handcuffs, his eyes glittering. "If you don't work together, I'm going to arrest you two," he threatens. "And you'll be in the same cell." 

"You can't do that," Junjie says. "I'm your friend." 

Seth smiles. "Oh, I will if I have to," he replies. 

Sam mutters a swear under his breath. 

"What if it's suicide?" Junjie challenges. "Then there's no point in me partnering up with Sam." 

"But what if it's a killer?" Seth shoots back. "Then they'll be a person out on the loose, who might be murdering more innocent people." 

Junjie scowls. 

"I don't think me and Sam are compatible," replies Junjie. "We can barely stand in a room without arguing." 

"Or punching someone in the face," Sam offers helpfully. 

"Exactly. See? We both agree that we will not work well together. Plus, I refuse to work with someone who has a huge decrease in smartness. Makes me feel old." 

"What?" Sam explodes. "How does smartness make you feel old, for goodness sake?" 

"You two will do fine," Seth reassures them both. 

Junjie scoffs. 

"'Fine' meaning arguing every two minutes," he mumbles. "And having a swear added in every five minutes." 

"This won't work," Sam repeats. "I don't want to work with him." 

"Yes," Junjie agrees, before looking at Sam. "Besides, don't you think he's a bit young to be around professional detective work?" 

"What the hell?" Sam roars, his eyes narrowing indigently. "We are legit the same age!" 

Junjie frowns. "We are?" 

"Oh my freaking God! We've been going to the same school since freaking high school!" 

Junjie tries to suppress a smile. Of course he knows Sam is in the same grade as him. It's just a little fun to provoke the boy. 

Sam crosses his arm. "Yeah, God no," he snarls. "It'll be over my dead body that we will be working together." 

"I'm that annoying?" Junjie asks, eyes widening. 

In response, Sam flips him off. 

Seth sighs. "Please, just try to act nice to each other," he says. "Unless you want to be arrested." 

Junjie narrows his eyes. Sam shifts his weight to his left leg. Neither of them breaks eye contact. 

"If you don't do it, you'll not only get arrested. . ." Seth starts. "Junjie, you won't be able to go near the crime scenes anymore." 

"What?" Junjie spins towards his friend, horror drenched in his features. "But you need me!" 

"And Sam, if you don't do it, I'll ban you from eating in McDonald's ever again." 

"But you can't do that!" Sam protests. 

"Yeah, I can," Seth retorts. "I'll just say you're a criminal and boom! You. Can't. Eat. McDonald's. Ever. Again." 

"Can policemen even do that?" Sam hisses. 

Seth smiles. "Care to find out?" 

"I don't think so," replies Junjie. "But then again, Seth's father is pretty rich, so I wouldn't blame anyone if he bribes them with money." 

Sam spits out another curse, before sighing in defeat. "Fine," he growls. "I'll be your stupid partner, Junjie, as long as you don't make any know-it-all comments." 

"I can't do that," Junjie quips. "That would be completely against my personality, and like my mother always says: 'be yourself and don't be what someone wants you to be.'" 

"Oh, for goodness sake!" Sam yells. 

Junjie groans, as he extends his hand. "I'll be your partner," he says casually. "Only because I don't want to lose my precious chance at solving more murders." 

Sam blinks, though he still shakes Junjie's hand. 

"If we murder each other," Junjie mutters, "this will be all your fault, Seth." 

Seth just shrugs, as if it's not any of his concern. 

"If you two want, you can look at the crime scene right now," he suggests. "Then you won't have to come in the morning." 

"Good idea," says Junjie. "Alright, sidekick, let's get moving." 

"I'm not your sidekick," Sam insists. "I'm not, and I refuse to tolerate this bullying!" 

Junjie coughs, staring pointedly, as he lifts the yellow tape. "Are you coming or not?" 

Sam shoots him a dirty look, ducking under the tape. 

"So, sidekick, tell me what you see," Junjie says. 

"Why me?" Sam fires back. "Why don't you tell me what you see first?" 

"Because if I did, your speech would sound incredibly idiotic and basic," sighs Junjie. "So I'm helping you right now, sidekick." 

Sam glares, though he looks down at the crime scene and starts making observations. 

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