"Someone I never knew I really needed"

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As the rest of the 100 gather round the video unit that Raven was able to establish for Unity Day, I sit near the edge of camp, not really in the mood for celebrating Unity Day. With Dax's death and finding out that my father is still alive, my mind has been all over the place.

"Monty strikes again! I call this batch Unity juice," I hear Jaspers whoops as he leaves his tent with a cannister of moonshine held in his arms. The rest of the delinquents cheer in appreciation, as the two boys start to hand out the drink to the 100. Before Jasper can see me, I slip away quietly near where the graves have been buried outside of camp.


As I'm sat by Well's grave, I reflect back on the time I had with my mum. She gave up a lot for me, to keep me hidden, to protect Jasper and I, to keep us safe. She never told me about my father. Jasper's father died shortly after he was born due to lack of medical supplies, but I never knew what happened to mine. Why would he try and connect now?

"You're missing the party." A voice behind me startled me, but I didn't bother turning around, knowing fully well who it was. "You've been avoiding me." It wasn't a question. It was the truth. Since I saved his life in the woods, I realised something I'm not quite ready to admit.

"Shouldn't you be celebrating, oh great leader," I turned my head to see Bellamy stood near the edge of camp, leaning against the wall, with his arms crossed over his chest. I turned my back on him, when I didn't hear a response, not interested in exposing myself to him. Not exposing how I truly felt. The sound of footsteps approaching alerted me he was coming up, until I saw his shadow looming over me.

"My job is to make sure you're ok, whilst your brother gets wasted off his ass. If you're not celebrating, I'm not celebrating." Bellamy sat down beside me, closer than usual. I fought down the blush that rose in my cheeks, even more conflicted about all the emotions running wild in my head. "Tell me, whats on your mind?" I wasn't prepared to talk to anyone about how I had been feeling but Bellamy was truly showing that he cared.

"When we got back from the bunker, Jasper told me something, something I didn't even think was really possible. My father is alive and wants to talk to me." I didn't look up at him, feeling his eyes gazing down at my face. "He tried to get me to go and talk to him after you were pardoned, but I couldn't. Not after everything. With Dax in the woods, I couldn't face anyone. My mum raised me to be good, to be true, and I wasn't. I killed him Bellamy. And I didn't want my dad's first impression of me to be one of disgust at his murdering daughter."

Tears were leaking down my face as I felt myself crumble down in front of Bellamy. Bellamy didn't say anything, just pulled me into a warm hug, cradling my head. I allowed myself to cry on his shoulder, finally feeling safe for the first time in a long time.

"Kira, you are good and true. You did what you had to do. Dax would have killed me, and then Clarke and then you. You werent just protecting yourself, you were protecting all of us. You saved me. And in my eyes, that doesn't make you a monster. That makes you someone brave, strong and true. Someone I never really knew I needed."

His words shocked me. I didn't know that they were exactly what I needed to hear. Octavia and Jasper had tried but I'd never listened. Until now. I looked up at him, my eyes connecting with his. His eyes flickered down, and I knew he was looking at my lips. I held my breath, when he leaned in and placed his lips on mine. All the panic and fear and doubt melted away, and I finally understood what I had been struggling to comprehend for the last few days. I liked Bellamy.

"Bellamy we need to talk," the voice of the other leader caused us to break apart, Bellamy sighing in disappointment, whilst I hid my smirk.

"Having fun, princess?" Bellamy stood up to face Clarke whose eyes were full of panic.

"Finn set up a meeting with the grounders. I'm leaving to go and talk to them." I shot to my feet in surprise, whilst Bellamy faced Clarke with a complete look of disbelief.

"Because you figure impaling people on a spears is code for let's be friends. Have you lost your damn mind?!" Bellamy's voice shook with anger as I approached them. The blonde leader remained calm, trying to rationalise her reasoning.

"I think it might be worth a shot. I mean, we do have to live with these people." I felt slightly conflicted after what had happened with Lincoln, the grounder Octavia had freed, but I knew that the majority of them wanted us dead. "Clarke, it's a trap, nothing good could possibly come from this," I told the blonde leader. Bellamy nodded in agreement.

"They'll probably gut you and string you up as a warning." But Clarke cut him off. "Thats why I'm here." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, whilst Bellamy didn't falter his expression. "I need you to follow us, to be our back up." I smiled in relief, thankful that Clarke still had her head clear enough to lead.

"Does Finn know about this?" I noticed relief flicker in Bellamy's eyes. He was probably thankful for the same reason.

"Finn doesn't need to know," Clarke answered quickly. Bellamy turned to me, sharing a glance until Clarke caught our attention.

"Oh and Bellamy. Bring guns."

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