𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚆𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

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As you walked into the park, you were excited to have a surprise picnic with your boyfriend of one year.

You were excited because this was the first perfect relationship that you had. No abuse, arguing, or cheating.

"Oh weather! I'm h-"
As you approached the lunch bench, you saw your boyfriend sitting there. You saw him kissing and making out with another person.

As soon as you saw this, you dropped the picnic basket. The sound is causing the weather report to look over. "B-baby, oh, you're here," he said while pushing the person away.

As he looked at your face, he saw that you were crying. "Baby, please forgive me; this was out of habit." He said this while walking up to you and trying to hug you. "N-no, how could you? You know my last relationship was hell!"

You yelled as you pushed him away. "Fuck you, weather!" You yell. "Babe, wait, I swear there were no feelings attached. We can have this food you prepared and talk about it!? "

He said this while frantically trying to pick up the picnic basket and other things.
You walk up to him and snatch the picnic basket. "What's there to talk about? Just enjoy your new (boyfriend or girlfriend)." You said this as you walked away.

"Bae!! Bae! Wait! We can talk about this!"

(7 months later)

"Breaking news: another flash flood is to be expected. As water levels and pressures rise, temperatures keep dropping along with strong winds."

You heard the newscaster say this as you packed your bags. Just like everyone else
You knew that this weather wasn't safe.

"Bae, don't forget the medical supplies; never mind, I'll get the medical supplies; just put on some warm clothes and a raincoat." Your new boyfriend, David, said.

"Okay, thanks." You said as you did what he said. After your breakup with the weather report, your childhood friend David helped you get over him, and soon you guys started dating.

As you packed your last bag, you heard your car go off in the driveway. "I'll get it!". You said this as you grabbed the car keys. As you ran outside to stop the car from beeping, it instantly stopped.

"H-huh, must have been another car?" You said this as you walked inside. As you did, you heard a painful scream come from David. "D-davie?" You called out for him while using his nickname.

"D-david," you called out for him again as you reached your bedroom door.


All you saw was an opened window with David's charred body under it. He fell with a thud.

"H-how he's been electrocuted, by lighting!?" You said it as you cried. "D-david! How could this be?" You sobbed as you backed out of the room and ran to the phone. As you picked up the phone, you noticed that the line was cut.

"N-no way."

As you were trying to get out of the room, you felt a big gust of wind hit the house, causing it to shake. As it did, glass things fell to the floor and broke. As the wind hit the house, it was strong enough to knock you to the floor. It also broke several windows.

As you struggled to get up, you realized that you had several cuts to your body from the flying glass. But I was also hurt from being thrown around like a rag doll.

"What in the world is happening !?" You said this as you managed to sit up straight.
The house was cold and wet. You were soaked in water.

"Was there an earthquake?" You said that as you looked down at your legs, you saw that they were in the worst state; they were bleeding and cut from the glass. You would be fine when they healed, but for now, all you could do is crawl.

As you crawled through the hallway to the living room, you would occasionally cry. You were so close, yet so far.

You almost made it into the living room. In the doorway, you saw him.

"W-weather report!?"

You said this as he looked down on you with a creepy smile. "How did you?" "Don't worry about that; I see that you found David, that punk tried to take you away from me." He interrupted. "T-take me away? What the hell are you talking about?" You demanded. Weather report picked you up and took you outside. It was sunny again, and the water was gone as people ran out of their houses.

"Don't you see I'm in a much more generous mood when my wife is with me?" Weather report said this while kissing your cheek and putting a diamond ring on your finger.

"Do you know how many people you've killed !?" You ask while looking at him in fear.

His soft smile turned into a creepy one. "Thousands and I don't care; as long as I have my (Y/N), it doesn't matter. But run away again, and I'll make sure this world never sees the sunlight again, got it?" He said

"I got it." you quickly responded

"Come on, honey, we have a wedding reception to get to~"


Oh shi- thanks for reading 😂🤡😁

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