Book 3;6

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A\N- RIP NAYA RIVERA! As a fan, I'll always remember her talent and beauty, and I'll never get use to her not being here anymore! I'm very heartbroken by this tragedy, but knowing that Naya used her last breath and all of her strength to save her son will be something that'll always stick with me. Though I'll always remember her for playing these wonderful characters that we all know and love, like Santana Lopez on Glee who inspired so many of us to never be afraid of who we are and inspired so many of our LGBTQ to come out and to never be ashamed of doing so, the thing I'll always remember the most about her is being an incredible mom, and willing to do anything for her son up until the last second of her life. Rest in peace to a queen! This chapter is going to be extra long and dedicated to Naya. I truly enjoy writing this book, and I think it's a perfect way to honor her since she always encouraged others to do what makes them happy!


I remember like it was yesterday when we first arrived in Zaofu. It was a future inventors paradise. I thought it was just the beginning, not just for me, but the entire gaang. Amon and Tarlaq were a thing of the past, Vaatu won't be back for another 10,000 years, but we had new enemies, and they had something we'd never seen before. Not only were these group of people incredibly dangerous, but we, as in my brothers and I, had our own problems. Plus Korra and Tenzin had the responsibility of bringing back the air nation, and Asami had an entire company to run. Bolin had fallen in love with the new airbender girl, which was great, and Mako didn't care. But I not only fell hard for Wei, the cute metalbending boy with the charming smile, but my brothers started being so over protective, yet so disconnected,
that new problems began to arise in our relationship.

I knock on her bedroom door and wait for her to let me in.

"Who is it?" She asks softly, followed by a sniffle.

Poor thing, she's heart broken.

"It's me, Li Na."

"Come in."

I walk into her room, shutting the door behind me. I look at her, and she's clearly very upset. Her eyes are puffy and her cheeks are flushed.

Poor Opal.

While I was getting ready for bed last night, things with Lin and her family didn't get any better. Actually, it got so much worse, which I didn't even think was possible. Poor Opal was trying to be the mediator between her mother and aunt, so she went to talk Lin and tell her how excited she was to meet her, and she expressed that she hoped that Lin and her mother would one day get along. Lin totally snapped at Opal, and well, they're all really upset now. The tension in the house is so thick, you can cut it with a knife.

"Hey, I brought you some breakfast."

I sit her tray on her night side table, and I sit next to her as she sits up in bed and toss her feet onto the floor.

"Thanks," she says gently. "You're really sweet."

"You're welcome. So, um, I know we really don't know each other, but since my brother is in love with you-"

"Wait, Bolin is in love with me?"


"Yeah, but don't tell him I told you that. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that what Lin did was not ok, but I've known her for awhile now, and I can tell you that it isn't surprising that she reacted the way she did. She's been alone for a long time, and she isn't use to affection. I once tried to give her a hug, and she almost tossed me into the next century! She's so use to everyone sucking up to her because she's the boss, she's not use to having real friends or family. Trust me, I've tried, but I believe you're different, and she'll come around to you. I'm sorry she hurt your feelings, and if you ever need a friend, I'm here for you."

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