The Trial; 1

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"Li, it's time to wake up. We've got court today."

I turn around to see a pair of green eyes peering into my hazel one's.

"Good morning, Boli," I yawn.

No matter how old I get, I'll never stop appreciating my brothers waking me up in the morning... But I'd love it if it were just a little bit later, just for today. The sun is barely up. This would usually be my favorite time of day, but I am so tired. It's been months since the fall of Republic City. I call it a 'fall' because even though Kuvira lost, she still did a lot of damage, something she wanted to do. So in a way, it wasn't a total lost for her. Not only that, but because of the spirit portal, instead of rebuilding in that area, Raiko decided to expand the city instead! So that area is strictly for the spirit world, which I'm not mad about. I love the spirit world, and after my vacation with my boyfriend, I feel like we're going to be going there a lot often! I have been assisting with construction for the past week, and I've been working on blueprints every night.

As for my apartment, it's surprisingly ok- damaged of course, but the inner city suffered the most. Due to the circumstances, room and board is free. I don't mind, as long as everyone respects one another, that's all I ask. I'm also building homeless camps on the Republic City boarder and in Zaofu. As for my family, they're still living in Asami's home, which has very little damage as well. I'm actually in the middle of construction now. I'm building them they're own homes actually, which I'm very excited about, it's everything I've ever wanted!

"Noooo," I whine. "Do we have to go? Can't we just skip today?"

I give him the best pouty face I can muster, and I never break eye contact.

In 3,2,1..

"Ok, you can stay!" He gives in.


"No she can't," Mako says while walking into our room.


"Fine," I huff while rolling out of bed.

"What's wrong with you anyways?" He asks me. "Are you afraid to face Kuvira or something?"

"Yeah," Bolin adds. "I thought you two had a moment? What's there to be scared of?"

Today is the first day of Kuvira's trial, and I just don't want to deal with this right now. I'm busy trying to rebuild an entire city. I don't need anymore stress to add on to the long list of stressful things I have to do.

"I'm not scared- and we did not have a moment. I just made it clear that in some weird way, us, her, and Korra can relate because we know what it's like to want to make sure the people we love are taken care of, and we're orphans, too.. And yeah, Korra is not an orphan, but she gets it."

"So... you two had a moment," Mako says.

"I mean, I- I- No, I don't think-"

"Sounds like a moment to me," Bolin cuts me off.

"Yeah, definitely was a moment-"

"Ok! Maybe it was, but who cares?" I asked annoyed by my brothers.

"So what happened to that?" Mako asks. "Why don't you want to see her?"

"Because, that was before I had to get my leg.. You know.. And I just- I had a little sympathy for her. I don't want her to use that in court against me. I don't want to be the reason she walks free. I may have been able to understand her pain, but I still want her to answer for all the pain and destruction she's caused."

"Well then, tell them that," Mako shrugs.

"Tell who what?" I ask looking at him confusingly.

"The jury, the judge. Tell them what you just told us, and you and the rest of her victims will get the justice you deserve."

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