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Selena's POV

Immediately the show was over, Shawn and Selena hugged each other extremely tight. This little gesture literally set the entire stadium on fire as fans roared and screamed word of love and admiration.
They ran backstage in each others arms, Shawn's right hand protectively draped over her shoulders whilst she held unto his waist. As soon as they came into view they were aplauded and gretted with congratulatory words from the crew members.
''Listen up guys'' shawn called everyone to attention and Selena looked up at him with a smile on her face.

''Selena and I want to say thank you to everybody who contributed to the success of this tour, one way or the other. It's been one hell of a crazy ride with every single one of you , especially my new best friend over here '' he said rubbing Selena's shoulders and smiling down at her and she couldn't help the blush that crept up her cheek and the shiver she felt down her spine when he did that.
'Awwwwn' a few of them said.

''You guys are like part of my family now, like you've literally become family to me. Both my personal crew and Selena's , I've learnt a lot from you guys during these few months on the road and now I want to say that I appreciate you and all of your efforts, from the outfits , to the staging and every other thing, you guys have been truly amazing , so thanks you guys'' He finished earning applauds from everyone, after which he looked down at Selena, his green eyes more vibrant than she had ever seen, the eyes she had gotten so fond of and for some reason it made her sad, thinking of not seeing him after today for a very long time.

''Ummm''she broke her eyes away from his gaze to face the crew who were looking at her and shawn like they knew something they didn't.
''I umm, also want to say a brief thank you to every single one of you for making this tour magical, without you none of this could have happened and I just want to say that I'm incredibly happy, like shawn said you guys have become family,. I've met a lot of great people here and every day I spent working and getting to know you guys was really the best. But above all the highlight of this tour was getting to sing and share an album with someone I've grown so fond of and so accustomed to. My best friend'' she chuckled and looked at shawn as tears pricked her eyes, And he quickly brought his hands to her cheek to wipe them off before pulling her in for a hug

''It just sucks that it has to end so soon'' she said slowly pulling away from him and then looking back at them ''i'm going to miss you guys so much'' she finished moving for a group hug, pulling shawn by the shirt to follow her and they all gathered around hugging themselves.

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''Bye everyone...''.

''Bye Selena'' majority of shaw's crew still in the hotel replied as Selena dragged her luggage into the elevator down. She was going to head back to LA immediately. She missed America and a whole lot of her friends, and no matter how much she wanted to stay here, she had to go.
At the ding of the elevator she stepped out to meet her crew members, about 50 of them running up and down the place doing one thing or the other.

Her phone then started to ring, she dropped her luggage and made way for the security as they proceeded to take it and put it into the black vehicle outside the building.
She looked into her side bag and dug it out only to see the caller ID 'Shawn', she picked.

''Hey'' she said before taking a deep breath.

''Where you really going to leave without saying goodbye?'' Shawn's voice asked form the other side and she smiled.
''I wouldn't even think about it''

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