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Starting a dialogue. Selena Gomez has spoken candidly about her struggles with mental health over the years.

The singer first sought treatment in 2014 after she was diagnosed with lupus. She has since attended various voluntary programs to manage anxiety, panic attacks and depression. Nine months after she completed treatment in January 2018, Us Weekly confirmed she was seeking "opened-ended" mental health treatment.

Gomez revealed she wanted to take a step back from the public eye to cope with the side effects from Lupus. Which she revealed she saw diagnosed with in 2015. A disease which can cause depression, anxiety and panic attacks. She expressed that she had been trying hard for years to manage the situation and that she did feel better after a while, until recently when the incident of her last mental breakdown happened while recording in the studio.
'At that moment i couldn't explain what was happening to me. It felt like the walls were closing in on me and ultimately i couldn't breathe and that was when i started to freak out' Gomez told zane lowe.

 It felt like the walls were closing in on me and ultimately i couldn't breathe and that was when i started to freak out' Gomez told zane lowe

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She also commented about questions of her not wanting to see any of her friends at that time. She quoted ' They are the most amazing set of humans, but I couldn't see myself being around them at the time. I felt disconnected from myself and I didn't want them anywhere near that side of me'. Gomez also mentioned that she was only able to find solace in Ex-co Star Timothee Chalamet, who she admitted had stayed with her in rehab for the span of One Week untill her eventual discharge from the center.
She said ' He has always been someone I can talk to and vent my emotions to about anything and I mean that In a more intimate way, because even if we don't talk for months or years, I know that whenever I decide to pick up my phone to call, he will always be there for me. And he always has been and he still is'.

The singer also said that they have been spending a lot of  time together and that he has been such a great support for her and that his energy keeps her strong.

Lowe hearing this was curious as to what her current relationship with Shawn Mendes was at the moment,  and when asked about him and if they ever actually did have a romantic relationship Selena said that it was all a lie. Yes you heard it.

The star giggled off before explaining in her own words. 'It was a lie. I and Shawn actually at that point the both of us were really just fooling around, I mean we wanted to give the people what they wanted and that was that. We don't and never did have romantic feelings. It was all for the media'

The news came as a shock to Lowe and honestly shawnlena fans everywhere

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The news came as a shock to Lowe and honestly shawnlena fans everywhere. And when Lowe asked about her thoughts on bff Miley Cyrus dating Shawn Mendes she simply replied. 'I hope they are happy'.

After which the singer went on to talk about new music and maybe even dropped hints that something may be coming really soon.

Honestly we are lost for words right now but we want to know what you think. Please  tell us how you feel about this in the comments section below.

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