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It was 11:08am and I was seated at my home studio with Charlie and Niall and my new single lay down beside you playing in the backgtound.
They both came over this morning because they felt i needed the company and they also said they wanted to listen to the song, but deep down i knew they were only here because they felt sorry for me.

I mean they could have listened to it on Apple music without coming over, so why else would they be here. I didn't mind though, having the company.

They are my best mates and to be honest even if they didn't clearly say it to my face, they are right. I've never felt this down in my whole life and for the past couple of days i've felt like shit. Seeing Selena with Tim finally opened my eyes for real that i didn't want her with anyone who wasn't me.

    Remember the song that i wrote while on tour for selena?. Well i changed kind of everything about it, Not because i coudn't find the right end to the song, but because I had accepted that i was on a different path now with Selena and I had no idea what my relationship with her was anymore. 

For some reason i had more passion to write when she got into rehab and stopped talking to me, and for the past month i put my heart and soul into the song, not really caring what anyone would think or say, i just really wanted to get across to her. I'm happy my fans love it and all, but that means nothing if Selena still doesn't speak to me. Ever since she got discharged and seen from the health center with Tim Godfrey or whatever his name is I've been trying to reach out to her, but she never answers.

'Are you done moaping?. Your phone is right there you can just call her' Charlie's voice broke my thoughts, and i look up at him from where i'm sitting with my guitar to see him looking at me with a smug expression on his face and leaning against the sound system.

'Dude stop leaning against the system, its pretty expensive okay' i say and he rolls his eyes and smoothly moves away as I watch Niall from the corner of my eye stare at a framed picture i set up of Selena and i on one of our hangouts in Canada.

'Look i've tried, but she won't speak to me. I guess she's too busy with her new boyfriend.' i say going back to try and compose a new tune on my guitar.

'Ouuuu someone sounds jealous of the british guy' Niall says moving to pick one of my guitars from its wall stand and sit next to me.

'He's not british, he's from Manhattan.' i say rolling my eyes and i hear him and charlie chuckle.

'And i see someone's been doing their home work' Charlie added shaking his head and i just try to ignore them. So what if i know a little about the guy?, its not like i stayed up all night looking at his Wikipedia. And so fucking what if i did?

'Bro you are so jealous' Niall said and i just wasn't going to listen to this anymore.

'Can you guys cut it out please?, you came to keep me company not make fun of me so what the heck?' i say a little annoyed at how they are acting.

'You really believed we were coming to keep you company?' Charlie laughed 'Dude, we're just here to make sure you call Selena and quit bitching' he said.

'Well maybe you didn't hear me the first time around but SHE. DOESN'T. WANT. TO. SPEAK. TO. ME' i emphasised on every word. ' I mean have you forgotten how she treated me at the AMAs?, she wouldn't even go up to accelt the award with me'.

'Fine then i guess she's going to want to speak to me' Charlie said taking out his own phone and i literally face palm myself. I didn't want her to get even more pissed off than she already is. But i do want to talk to her so i guess i'll just try. I looked at Charlie and watched as he looked at me with an expectant glare as he held his phone out to me. I looked sideways to Niall seeing he held the exact same expression on his face.

'Fine, i'll call her' i say snatching the phone and getting up to my feet.

I want to understand what's going on between us and I want to know if she feels anything for me and I'm tired of having to sit around asking myself useless questions when I'm never going to get an answer.
Without thinking of anything else I searched on her name and hit call.

She picked up on the third ring

'Charlie...hey' i heard her voice say.

'Actually...its Shawn' i say and i stop her before she even thinks of ending the call.

'Selena please don't...don't end the call' i sounded pathetic i know. But i was done caring about what i sounded like, even if i was in front of my friends.

'Why are you calling me through Charlie's phone?'

'Cause you won't answer if i call through mine' i say

'Selena please stop doing this to me. you've been ignoring me for a month and i have no idea what i did. You don't answer my calls since the day you...' I paused closing my eyes and stopping myself before even finishing my sentence.

'Look. Selena I don't know what I did wrong, I don't know why you're treating me like this or why you don't even want to see me. All I want is to talk to you please...can we talk?'

'We are talking Shawn-'

'No, not like this' I tell her. 'I want to see you and sit down with you, so we can talk, I just want you to hear me out, and hopefully whatever it is you're mad about you can tell me, please just let us see eachother'

There was a long pause and I couldn't tell what was going through her mind at that moment but I just hoped she'd agree to this, my eyes had trailed towards Charlie and Niall who where now looking at me like they were actually very sorry for me.

'Okay' I hear her say and i blink in shock.

'What?' i ask unsure and she repeats

'i said okay don't make me change my mind' she says and i let out a sigh of relief.

'Thank you' i say with a smile whilst I run my hand through my hair in anxiety and watch as Charlie and Niall look at me with questioning yet hopeful eyes 'Ummm, I can pick you up at your place tonight...Let's say...'

'12' her voice said and I furrow my brows but agree eitherways. 'Okay yeah 12. Thanks Sele-' Before I was able to finish the line went dead.


*Selena's Pov*.

'you want to go and see him?' Timothee asked furious as he walked back and forth around my room and then looking at me like he couldn't believe my stupidity.

'I think I've avoided him for long enough tim. I just want to get this over with' I say to him but he stops abruptly before walking towards me and bringing himself down to my level on the bed where I was seated.

'You really want to do this?, What about us?'
He asked and I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes and I shook my head. 'Nothing is going to happen to us Tim, I love you and you know that. But I need to face Shawn once and for all, I can't keep avoiding him like a plague like I've been doing because at the end of the day he's never going to go away. He won't back off and I know it' I say and he just sighs and looks away from me. I see the anger and the tension wear off a bit but i can feel how scared he is underneath it all and i pull his face to look at me.

'Hey...i'm going to be fine, i promise. We'll be fine okay?, don't make me seeing him feel its the end of us cause its not'  i say and for a moment i honeslty hope that i'm right. His green eyes meet mine and at that moment i realize how much he means to me, and how much it would hurt me to hurt him. He shuts his eyes and takes in a deep breath before opening his eys back up and nodding his head.

'i'm sorry. You're right, you need to do this and i shouldn't stop you...I'm sorry i shouldn't have yelled' he says crouching back up and pulling me to my feet and we both lean in for a hug.

'Thank you' i whisper and he places a kiss on my forehead.

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