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Charlie, Nialler, You(Shawn)

Nialler: Yooo buddy!


You: Hey what's up?

Nialler: Not much how are you doing?

You: I'm okay kind of

Charlie: Tell us all about it.


You: where tf did you come from?😂

Charlie: from my mother, now tell us what's going on with you Selena and Miley

Nialler: I like the way you get to the point @charlie

You: I don't know you guys, I'm confused as much as you are.

Charlie: So you mean time say that You and Miley aren't dating?

Nialler: 👀

You: I don't want to talk about this guys

Nialler: No man but you have to. Cause friendships are tearing apart here and we need to know why. Why are you and Miley all coupley?, I thought that that was you and Selena's thing, whatever the both of you had or are or... whatever. What's going on?

You: Okay... Miley likes me.

Charlie: And you like her?

You: Not quite

Charlie: what kind of game are you playing mendes?

You: Chill. I haven't finished.

You: I'm in love with Selena.

Nialler: 😂😂😂

Charlie: 🤣🤣🤣

You: i'm being serious guys. I am i really am.

You: And i was going to tell her

You: But i didn't feel it was right doing that without speaking to miley first, because she's been my best friend for years and she and Selena have been best friends as well. So When I told her she got upset and told me she was in love with me.

Charlie: Damn

Nialler: I think I'm beginning to see the problem here.

You: so I decided I'd give us a shot regardless my feelings for Selena because I didn't want to hurt her, especially on her birthday.

Charlie: Dude why on earth would you tell her something like that on her birthday!?

Nialler: Never tell a girl anything not beneficial to her on birthdays or valentines days or even Christmas or any fucking day that seems important to her.

You: I just thought she'd be happy for me but she wasn't. She was sad and hurt and she was crying.

Charlie: But guess what man, Selena is the one who got hurt in the end, she was the one who had a mental break down and went into rehab. The girl you love is the one suffering right now, now tell me exactly how that makes you feel.

You: but I don't know if that's what's making her mad at me. She never said she likes me or anything like that. I've been trying to reach out to her but she acts like she hates me right now.

Nialler: Boyo boyo. You really are a stupid fella. I think you're the only one in our little circle who is blind at the fact that Selena is Madly in love with you and you just broke her to bits.

Charlie: this is just too much drama man. Look Niall is right. You never told us shit about your feelings for Selena but before you told us, we already knew. Because we know you guys and we see you guys remember?. We could tell you were in love with her, but you did switch it up and got us confused by dating Miley.

Nialler: look Shawn I know you love Miley. She's your best friend. But are you happy right now? With her?... you said you wanted to try things out, does it seem like it's working?

You: 😒No

Charlie: Then stop man. It's not worth loosing Selena for. You love her right? then after her. If you're not sure she loves you then go talk to her and tell her how you feel but I'm pretty sure she's in love with you.

You: Even if she is I'm pretty sure I've killed it by now.

Nialler: It's never too late when it comes to love man.

Charlie: am I the only one not believing the three of us are actually having this conversation?.


Nialler: 😅 well... We gotta have a few of these once in a while don't you think.

You: Yeah, definitely I agree.

Charlie: So what are you going to do now?

You: it hurts thinking about it, but I guess I'll have to end things with Miley.

Nialler: Finally he's mental again 🕺🏼

Charlie: 😂😂😂😂💔


Nialler: well lads my work here is done. I have a few recordings do to today so gonna get to it.

You: Yeah see you guys

Charlie: ✌🏻

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