Chapter Twenty- I Am Glad to Have These Friends

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As Christmas approached, we all headed back to our homes for the break. 

I was so glad to see Violet again, because this time I really was going to mention Lily to her. 

No, I wasn't running away with my thoughts, but I did believe that Lily and I were getting along a little better. 

In saying that, though, she still confused me. 

She had briefly mentioned liking me, and my heart still raced at the memory of it. 

I didn't know whether I should bring up me liking her any time soon or not. 

I didn't want to make a mess of things. 

"Hey, loser," Violet greeted me, as she wandered into my bedroom back at home. 

I really had missed this room, even if that might have been slightly strange to admit. It was filled with my favourite things. 

I had my books, my art journals from back when I was in secondary school, a lot, and I can't stress this enough, a lot of notepads filled up with stories that I had written over the years, too. 

"Hey Violet," I replied. 

She smiled. 

"I'm kidding, by the way. You're not really a loser. Now, how is university going?" she asked me, as her eyes flickered to my laptop for a moment. 

Before she had entered my room, I had been planning on throwing on a Christmas show to watch on Netflix, and simply relaxing for a moment. 

"It's been alright, Vi," I replied. 

"And you're getting on okay with everyone, yeah? You can rely on me to sort them out for you if need be," she stated. 

I couldn't help but smirk a little at that. 

"I'm sure that I'm getting on okay with everyone," I stated. 

Violet gave a nod of her head in response to that, but she was always able to tell when there was something else on my mind, too. 

"What, or who, may I ask, are you thinking about?" she asked me. 

I exhaled, then, and ran a hand through my curled brown hair quickly, before I planned how I was going to respond to this. 

"There's a girl," I said. 

Violet raised an eyebrow at me, then. 

"I don't know. She gives off a lot of mixed signals, and I don't actually know whether she likes me or not, in all honesty, most of the time. However, she  can be really lovely at times," I said then, hoping that I didn't blush too hardcore. 

"You like her, don't you?" she asked me, then. 

"Nothing gets by you," I replied, then. 

She simply smiled in her subtle amusement and appeared satisfied that she had figured it out, at least. 

"Well, you two are clearly going to get together and adapt a lot of cats," she stated then. 

I didn't think she was being at all ironic, though, and that was what slightly worried me. 

My sister could be incredibly idealistic when it came to the future of reality. 

I had always known that you could never truly rely too much upon it. 

The future of reality could always be entirely unpredictable. 

Lily Everett could be even more so. 

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