Blood Ties And It Lies

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"Ugh! Son of a-"

"I think that's enough for today!" Magnus interrupted. She groaned as he took the spell book from her hands.

She angrily turned her back to him and looked out from the balcony, "I'm not getting any better!"

"You've barely had time to master your abilities. It takes time," he reassured.

"We don't have time!" she shouted, "We need every resource possible to take down Valentine. And while I have an advantage we could be using against him, I can't control it!"

She slammed her hands down on the ledge and sighed, bowing her head. Magnus cautiously approached her side.

"How many downworlders do you think live in New York?" she questioned softly.

"I don't know," he shrugged, "But they're not all your responsibility."

"That's exactly what they are," she snapped, "I swore to protect everyone. That's my job."

"Maybe so. But it's not your burden to bear alone. You can't keep putting the weight of everyone's problems on your shoulders."

She sighed, "Valentine gave me powers for a reason. He knows that I have abilities I can't use to help these people. The only good I've done is protecting myself against Iris and it wasn't even on purpose."

"He gave you these powers to hurt you," Magnus stated firmly, "He had no idea that you would rise up and try to take control of them. That's why this is so important...because you need to prove to Valentine that he gave you a gift, not a curse."

She sighed and they stood in silence for a few moments. The door behind them opened and Clary and Jace ran in.

Magnus rolled his eyes, "Don't you people have phones?"

"We need your help," Jace said.

They found Clary clutching her hand. It looked to be charring itself black. Magnus quickly sat her down and applied his magic.

"La chair brulee," Magnus spoke, "It means the "burnt flesh." It's an old blood oath spell."

"It must be Iris," Rory realized, "She said you owed her a favor."

"At Max's party, she wanted me to find Madzie."

"Then we better start looking. I can get rid of the pain but that's it. Once the magic reaches your heart..."

Clary gasped, "So if I don't find Madzie...I'm dead."

Jace shook his head violently and stood up, "No. Magnus, there had to be a cure. Can't we force Iris to undo it?"

"Blood oath spells are completely binding," he informed regretfully, "Even Iris can't reverse it."

Rory made her way back to the Institute and walked to the office. Alec stepped in moments after she sat down, "Do you know where Izzy is?"

She shook her head. Alec pulled her up and they walked to Aldertree's office together. Alec  asked him the same question.

"I'm not your sister's keeper," he responded, not bothering to look up.

"Something's wrong. She's been acting weird ever since you sent her to the Iron Sisters."

"I think you're being paranoid. After what happened at your brother's party, I should recommend you a psych evaluation. What reason would I have to lie?"

Alec shrugged, "Whatever it is-"

"Nothing is going on," Aldertree assured, "I'm just trying to help. Now I would ask making insinuations about me really the road you want to go down?"

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