Twin Possession

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Lilith threw Rory's body to the ground. The girl grunted as she hit the gravelly earth. Once her eyes refocused, she looked around in horror.

Tears brimmed in her eyes, "What did you do?"

Lilith tilted her head in amusement, "I think you mean, what did you do? After all, it was your magic that did this...not me."

She chuckled lightly and turned away. Rory lost her breath as she saw the carnage before her. Seelies laid dead all around the court. Flames sprouted and the smell of blood and burnt flesh contaminated the air.

"Your people fought bravely," Lilith complimented, "But bravery is no match for power."

The Seelie Queen stood up from her mourning and glared, "You have no never did."

Lilith smirked, "I apologize for coming in without a direct invitation. Before your predecessor became my sworn enemy, I did have one outstanding offer for tea. Better late than never."

"You look stunning as always," the Queen said sarcastically, "Edom's done wonders for your complexion."

"And you are clearly eager to send me back there."

"Don't be silly," she shrugged, "Endowing Eve with Seelie beauty was all the revenge my people ever needed."

Rory tried to crawl away quietly while the women argued.

"You killed all my disciples. I killed your knights. I've come to see if you'd like to cut your losses," Lilith stated, backing the queen against her throne step by step.

"Sorry for your pain," the Queen said politely, "But I never ordered anyone to do harm to your people."

Rory reached for a knife that was clutched in the hand of a dead Seelie knight. She pried their fingers open and stuck the knife in her sleeve, concealing it from her captor.

"Not directly," Lilith shrugged, "As always. But I don't have time for slights of tongue. The vampire with the mark; you gave it to him because it's the only thing that can banish me. I want you to remove it."

Rory listened closely, trying to find a way to escape while also sending Lilith back to Edom.

"I gave him the mark because he's the Daylighter," the Queen defended, "Seelie's have always been the protectors of anything in nature that's special and unique."

"My son is special and unique," Lilith snapped, "And I am his protector. I want the Mark of Cain gone!"

The queen grit her teeth, "There are certain things I, too, want gone. Sadly we don't always get what we want."

They both glared at each other as Rory rolled onto her back. The queen didn't look frightened, but Lilith look outraged.

"Pity...that was the only reason I was playing nice."

Lilith raised her hand to kill the queen.

"Do that, and you'll never find your precious Owl."

She paused, keeping her magical blow to herself, "I don't need you...when I have her."

She pointed to Rory. The queen laid her eyes on her and shrugged, "You need her power. And letting her find your pet proves risky for you. I know where he is and you don't...pity."

"Tell me where they are!"

"Guarantee my survival...and I shall."

Lilith huffed, "Fine. I won't kill you."

They engaged in another battle of wills. Their eyes fought to see who would back down first.

"They're at Magnus Bane's apartment," the Queen informed, "All of them."

Lilith exhaled slowly and nodded. She flicked her hand and sent Rory flying to her. Her grip tightened as Rory resisted her hold and pushed against her arms. But Lilith overtook her body again, ceasing all fighting.

Rory's eyes turned purple again, their menacing glow reflecting in the terrified eyes of the queen. Rory smirked before she pulled out her blade, plunging it into the stomach of the queen.

She gasped and choked on her own blood. Rory pulled her close, "I said I wouldn't kill you. But I never said anything about darling Aurora."

She pulled the blade out, letting the Queen fall to her knees. She wiped it off on her jeans and opened a portal.

She hopped through, landing on Magnus' balcony. She pushed the doors open, catching the warlock's attention.

"Aurora! Where have you been?" he asked.

She noticed that he was using magic to connect Alec, Izzy, and Jace. She instantly snarled and sent a blow to his chest.

He flew against the wall, taking the siblings with him. She menacingly stormed towards him, pulling him up by the throat.

"I don't look kindly to people who take what's mine."

"What are you doing?" he rasped.

"You may have saved Jace today," she chuckled, "But everyone you care about has vulnerabilities...even your precious Aurora."

His eyes widened, "Lilith."

She smirked and put pressure on his throat. He choked and tried to use his magic but she easily pinned his arms to his sides.

"Let her go! You can kill me but don't hurt her!" he pleaded.

"Tempting...but if I didn't fear starting a war with your father, I'd happily oblige," she sneered, stepping closer to his face.

She let go of her hold over him. He fell to the ground and gasped for air. She looked over her fellow shadowhunters and spotted Jace. She broke his chains off and opened a portal, pulling them both through it.

As soon as they were gone, Alec and Izzy woke up from their trance. They saw the empty chains and immediately became alert.

"No...Lilith took him," Alec said dejectedly.

"Not Lilith," Magnus said hoarsely, "Rory."

"Rory?" Alec questioned, turning to the warlock.

"Lilith possessed her...I couldn't stop her."

Alec grit his teeth and looked at the empty chains. He hit the ground in frustration, his anger getting the best of him.

Izzy helped him stand up and they examined the chains left behind. Alec clenched his fists, "He begged us...he begged us to kill him."

Izzy's eyes held tears, "And all the terrible things Lilith made Jace do...she'll do the same to Rory."

She trembled as she threw the chains down, "Jace said that if Lilith got him back, she'd make him do much worse."

"And now Lilith has him again...just like he said she would," Alec grumbled.

"Not to mention the power Aurora holds. The both of them together are an unstoppable force," Magnus added.

Alec crossed his arms, "We promised him we wouldn't let her take him back."

"You did all you could."

He looked to his sister with tears in his eyes. His voice shook, "We promised him...and now Lilith has them both."


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