Ep.12 First Crush

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Noheart stared at Mousefang with wide eyes and started laughing. Mousefang looked confused. "For a moment I thought that you meant it really," Noheart wheezed. Mousefang argued:"I did! Why shouldn't he like you? You're brave an-" "And without a leg," Noheart finished his sentence. "Awh, come on. You're actually pretty good looking and got some cool scars. If you were my mate I'd be honored and very happy," he mewed and both cats blushed. "That sounded weird," Mousefang exclaimed. "Totally," Noheart agreed. They walked for a while quietly. "Have you wondered why my father made you the deputy?" Noheart finnaly asked. "I have thought about that and~ that's really weird since I just became a warrior and I haven't had an appretice. That broke quite many rules,"he answered." I'm not saying that you're a bad deputy and I might understand why we were made warriors so early but I think that there would've been more fit cats for that job, "Noheart carefully explained trying not to hurt her friends feelings."Agreed," he laughed. Noheart first looked surprised but then joined him. They laughed like that for a while. "I think I should give it a try," Noheart suddently mewed. The dusty broen tom wondered:"To what?" "You know, that lovey thingy,"She blushed." If you want to,"Mousefang mewed a bit sadly. Noheart wondered why but didn't say anything. It's his own choice if he wants to tell me anything or not. She thought shrugging. Suddently she stopped." Can you smell that?" she asked him. Mousefang sniffed air and mewed:" Yeah, seems like a DewClan cat." They followed the scent trail quietly. The smell came from their own territory and was fresh. The closer they got the clearer it became that the cat was lost and scared. There was also stench of blood. Finnaly they reached to the bush behind what the smell came. Noheart peeked in there and the thing she saw was in her mind to the last breath of her life.

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