Ep. 22 Lives

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The ypung leader limped in the darkness next to an old medicine cat. She was afraid and under pressure. What if she doesn't get her 9 lives? what if StarClan refuses to let her be a leader? What if something happens to Moss- 'Sush! It's ok!' she stopped herself. Her fur fluffed up against the cold of the cave. She felt Gillfeather's pelt against hers and it was a bit comforting to know that you're not alone. Or frightening. She shook her head and continued walking as best as she could. Finnaly she smelled some fresher scent than the wet tunnel's damp one. The tunnel went wider and soon they were in the middle of the den. Under the hole in the ceiling was a pool of water. Nostar knew that she had to drink of it when moon shined on it and then go to sleep. The corner of the moon was already visible and lighted up the den a bit. Nostar could see the drawings of ancient two-legs on the walls. She looked them for a bit. 'What animals even are these?' she thought and smirked. Unnoticeably the moon was in the highest position and Nostar drank from the pool. It was refreshing after the long journey.
Gill feather watched Nostar as she drank. Her Pelt was shining like silver and eyes blazing like fire. It was a shame that her beautiful face had been ruined by that damned DewClan appretice. Gillfeather sighed. Her scars made her only more beautiful. Drops of Moonwater glimmered on her whiskers. They looked like crystals. 'If I was male we could have kits... We would name one Crystalkit, other Moonkit and third Opalkit. They would be beautiful.' The cat dreamed. But she was a medicine cat, a female and really old. It would be impossible.
Suddently Nostar plopped down. Gillfeather gasped.
Nostar fell asleep. It happened really quick. On one second she saw the cave drawings, then she blinked and then saw a starry field. She seemed to be alone. 'Why isn't anybody here?' she thought. But the stars seemed to get closer and brighter. It hurted young she-cat's eyes. She pressed her eyelids together to ptotect them and suddently someone talked to her :"Welcome Noheart!" It was a familiar voice. She opened her eyes and saw Mousefang standing front of her. "Mousefang!" Nostar gasped and hugged her friend. "I missed you," she muttered. Mousefang smiled warmly. "It's time," he said calmly. "I give you friendship. Treat your clan like you treated me." He touched Nostar's forehead with his muzzle and Nostar felt all of their moments spent together flashing from her eyes. Until the very last moment they were together. It was warm and comforting feeling, with a slight bit of jealousity, sadness and fear. As Nostar recovered the next cat stepped front of her. Young leader whispered:"Mom..."
But Blueflower just smiled and said:"I give you the love of a mother,"
Nostar expected another warm feeling but instead she got unbearable pain. Seeing herself crippled and Dandelionkit's cracked head, she also felt love behind all that pain. The feeling that you can only feel towards these helpless small bundles of joy.
" Use it to help nursing the kits and give them comfort of a mother."
Next one was Dandelionpaw. Nostar's eyes were fogged by tears. Dandelionpaw smiled at her and whispered:"It's ok, it wasn't you." and then raised her voice"I give you the energy of an appretice. To help you make great warriors, and never tire during that." She touched her forehead and Nostar felt energy going throught her. It contained all the happy memories from Dandelionpaw's life to the end. Then pain surged throught her and she saw her own orange eyes but with a glimpse of red that wasn't natural.
Next cat was Shatteredfang
"I will give you the patience of a mentor, use it to be patient with your appretices and clan." Nostar felt pride of Shatteredfang when he touched her forehead. Every moment of being a mentor and seeing his appretice improve thought being crippled for life.
Nostar raised her head and saw Heatherlight. The old deputy of RainClan." I give you courage and justice to fight and live for your clan." Heatherlught's touch was more painful than she had imagined. It was full of responsibilities. Next one was Cinderpaw. He said:"I give you cheerfulness and good sense of humor. You never had one." he touched Nostar's forehead like others and it felt really funny. Nostar barely held back a giggle. For a moment they looked each other in the eyes and then moved on. The seventh cat was Clearstar. She was really beautiful." I give you the bravery and loyalty. Use them to protect your clan." Her touch was really painful but full of joy. Everytime she died she knew that it was for her Clan. Eigth was the golden she appretice from DewClan and ninth was Irisleaf. The appretices name was Daisypaw and she gave her love. Irisleaf gave Nostar kindness. They both were quite soft ad warm. All the StarClan started chanting:"Nostar! Nostar!" And for the first time in her life. She was hapy because for her name.

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