Ep. 15 Whitefoot

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"Who'se are they?" Riverstar hissed as he saw Noheart's adopted kits. Noheart's fur fluffed up:"I don't know, I found them in the forest. If you think that they might be Suntail's then it's impossible. They didn't have any MountainClan scent." The she-cat lied. They had had very strong MountainClan scent. It looked as if her father believed her. He calmed down." If so, then you can move to the nursery with them. Have you already named them? " the leader asked. Noheart let her fur down and answered:" Yes, Flakekit and Sharpkit." She nudged the kits towards the nursery. Sharpkit tried to resist but Noheart grabbed him by the scruff which made her almost lose balance. Flakekit tried to support her adopted mother by the side. Luckily the Blueish-gray sge-cat caught her balance before crushing her new kit. Riverstar looked her and sighed. It was clear that he thought Noheart wasn't going to manage caring for 2 kits. In the nursery there was an expecting older queen named Applefang. She was ginger with unsually long teeth and green eyes. She also had darker lines across her. "Hey little ones!" She greeted the new kits. Sharpkit seemed to melt with her. It was probably the queen was very beautiful. A bit scary but beautiful. Noheart had dreamed of being as good as her as a kit. She sighed and laid down. Even Flakekit dared to sniff the elderly queen. She had a very sweet and comforting scent.
Noheart slowly woke up. Or did she? She was in a clearing full of stars. In front if her stood Clearstar. She smiled at the young cat: "Hello Rainheart, we meet again."Noheart was surprised at first but asked then:" Rainheart? What do you mean? " Clearstar chuckled:"You'll find the answer to it soon," she went serious"but I came here to warn you. Whitefoot might not be-" She was cut by the insane DewClan appretice:" Hahahahahahhahaha! You can't stop it! After Daisypaw you're the one that must pay! "she lunged at Noheart but the she-cat dodged and jumped on the small appretice." Why'd you try to kill Suntail? "
" He knew too much. "
" Of what? "
The small cat threw Noheart off and pinned her down:" Of your and mine secret, " Then the dream ended and Niheart suddently opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was Whitefoot's wofried face. Next to him was Sharpkit that licked her face. Whitefoot mewed fear in his voice:"DewClan is attacking! Get up! Quick!" Noheart jumped up at once and rushed out of the nursery. She saw Applefang getting carried away and felt scratches on her back. She rushed after the warrior dragging her away and realized that it was DewClan's deputy Firestorm. She slashed at him tearing a deep wound across his face. Firestorm winced and let go of Applefang. That was obviously a mistake to let such great fighter as Applefang free. Before the red queen could do anything Noheart yowled:"Run to safety, I'll deal with him myself," and leaped at the dark ginger tom. A few powerful bites from Noheart could make him run away. Everywgere around her were fighting cats. Both if her kits were fighting bravely against a tom that looked very much like the appretice her sister had killed. They were probably siblings. She ran towards them and hissed:"You are crow-food! NOONE HURTS MY KITS!" She jumped at the tom. The golden tom's eyes were round with fear. "I didn't want to! Please don't kill me!" he cried. "You mouse-dung. You are even bit half a warrior fighting kits, " She pinned him down and breathed in his face:"If you touch even one fur on them then you're dead!" The cat nodded and Niheart released him. The tom ran away. But then someone leaped at her and tried to rip her face apart. She felt how fast sge was losing blood and couldn't even make out who this cat was. But she knew from a look in her eyes that it was the mysterious cat. She found a new victim. Then Noheart fainted.

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