Challenge : Seduce my Teacher| Rosekook

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Where Jungkook tries to seduce his new hot Teacher Park Chaeyoung .

Hey did you hear about Teacher Jung ? Taehyung asked I sighed i really didn't give a fuck about our Teachers. Nop I still replied .
He broke his leg so we will be getting a new Teacher and I heard she's crazy hot .
Now this is interesting I smirked already having an idea of how to make this boring school year better How much you wanna bet I can sleep with her ? I asked Tae Nah sorry Jeon another student ? Yes College girls ? Yes but a Teacher most definitely not I rolled my eyes oh come on if she doesn't want to I will make her life hell in here but who can resist Jeon Jungkook ? No one Come on tae let's bet I think I can seduce her give me until the New Years Ball he seemed to think about it and chuckled fine if you can do it you get my new Car wait no way I guess he doesn't trust my skill I smirked sure and if I lose you get to use my black card for an hour he nodded.
Let's see if I can seduce this new Teacher .
I couldn't wait for the next lesson so I just skipped with Tae and we went to eat at the cafeteria the ladies there were used to us skipping classes .
Her names Park Chaeyoung ooh that's hot
The next lesson finally arrived and we headed to the classroom .
You two are late a gorgeous teacher said she was pretty and had a hot body I smirked .
We are incredibly sorry Mrs Park this guy right here had problems with his stomach I said pretending to be nice everyone in the classroom knew and chuckled . Well that's fine Mr...
She seemed to look at the list with our names
Jeon babe I mean Mrs Park call me Mr Jeon Jungkook
Well okay Mr Jeon and  Kim I guess ? Please sit down and next time don't be late she said and looked so adorable with her cheeks how I want to kiss her not now Jungkook you have time why not play a little . She turned around and wrote something on the board I couldn't care less about when I suddenly heard the guys behind me whistling
She's hot isn't she ? Some guy I couldn't bother to memorize his name said duh of course she is what about it I rolled my eyes her ass is hot one of them said and I turned around and send them a glare which shut them up .No one can touch her until I do .It was finally break time when I went to her .
Mrs Park I have a problem with maths so could you please help me I said and tried to sound as nice and innocent as one could .
Of course just show me the problems she said and smiled she's cute as fuck .
It's not one or two it's just this whole new field it's complicated and I really don't want to get a tutor so could you give me private lessons please ? I was so hoping for her to say yes I don't know ... Private lessons would be too unfair for the other students in my class I can help you with the problems you have after school though just show them she said still smiling I was mad this was my chance then I suddenly got an idea . HEY I screamed and everyone looked at me .good .
I need private lessons from our dear teacher since I am oh so bad at maths is everyone okay with that ? I asked and send the whole class a glare when everyone nodded but the guy from before I send him a glare and he started to nod as well .
Well Mrs Park now it shouldn't be a problem right ? Your place or mine ? I said and smirked when she looked shocked
Excuse me ? She said and tilted her head I really want to hug her right now .
Do you want to study at your place or at mine I mean tutoring
Oh of course I thought we could do it at school she said shit I need an excuse Mrs Park sorry to interrupt but the School is closed after our last lesson for everyone Jimin hyung said Hes a lifesaver he send a wink and walked out of the classroom. Oh right how about the library? Or maybe a small Café ? Oh gosh please Chaeyoung just agree .
We can't stay in the Café for long also it would be too frustrating with masks at both places how about my place its big she seemed to think about it I guess that's okay ... but I would need to ask Mr Park first if it would be fine SHE HAS A HUSBAND ? WHERES THE RING ?  Just then I remembered our Science Teacher Mr Park Chanyeol that bastard . Oh of course I will be waiting here I said and smiled if he doesn't give her permission I'm going to burn him . I will quickly text him don't worry she said wait she has his number oh no no no
He agreed ,are your Parents home ? She said and smiled stop with the dirty thoughts Jeon
No but I have maids and a butler so we are not alone a lie we do have maids and Butlers but they aren't anywhere near my part of the mansion also my order . Oh that's okay then just send me the address and I will see you there
No need to Mrs Park I know you don't have a Car I can just drive us home I said and smirked at the way it sounded yes Mrs Park let me take you home .She seems unsure so I gave her another innocent smile and pout and she nodded agreeing .
After school I was waiting for her in front of the gate when she arrived she had but her hair loose and she looked prettier than before She smiled at me and I brought her to my car
While I was driving she seemed to be uncomfortable so I decided we should talk .
Mrs Park if you don't mind me asking you seem so young how old are you ? I asked which seemed to surprise her .
I turned 23 in February she said oh 4 years difference that's fine .
When we arrived I looked at her and she seemed shocked well our house could be seen as quite big by others .
Mrs Park let's study at my room I have a Place to study right in it i said and lead her to my room . She took off her jacket and she was now in her white blouse she's so hot I thought but shook my head . Everything okay ? She said and seemed worried what am I doing I thought yeah sorry just a small headache everything's okay now though let's start
The truth is I was a straight A student in every subject especially math was so easy I was better than my last teacher but honestly what wouldn't I do to win this challenge and get two prizes .
So you do it like this and then like that Jungkook ? Are you listening ? She said in a scolding tone she's way too cute .
Mrs Park how about I will get us some refreshments if you need anything you can tell me the bathroom is also the white door in my room she nodded and went there while I went downstairs to get us some drinks I needed to free my head from all these thoughts or else I would have a problem . I went upstairs again to see .... sigh is it time to punish me ? She was sitting at the chair pouting because she wet her blouse which was now transparent I tried to look away and I most probably blushed because I could feel the heat on my face .
What happened ? I asked she looked up I didn't know how it worked and suddenly this happened she pointed at her blouse does she know ... I'm a ... man ? I sighed and went over to my wardrobe to pick the smallest shirt I have it would still look too big on her but still .
Here Chae- Mrs Park you can change in the bathroom .
Thank you Jungkook she called me Jungkook yes yes yes I don't know why I was so happy but I seem to get closer to her well who can't resist me .
She care out looking like the most adorable human being on earth and I wanted to slam her to the wall and kiss her and that's what I did .
Mr Jeon stop she said but I looked her in the eyes Say my name Chaeyoung it's Jungkook she shook her head and tried to escape I wouldn't let her though . Say it I said again
J-Jungkook let's continue studying she said and averted her gaze . I held her chin and made her look up into my eyes so pretty I thought and kissed her she tried to push me away but she was too weak .stop it Jungkook I am your teacher we can't ... oh and how we can I thought and kissed her again this time more roughly she didn't push me away this time .

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