[Chapter One]

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(A/n: Hi, for anyone that's confused because I said I was rewriting this, I changed my mind because I actually bit off way more than I could chew, so I'm just gonna repost all the old chapters, along with the unfinished draft of the last one. I'm sorry to say, but I'm done with this book. Thanks for reading!)

Parlsona sighed, having nothing to do. Ever since she'd left Plant Island, life was easygoing, and carefree. But occasionally she would hit these short periods of boredom. Finding a good place to settle down was one of the things that had bothered her. She had been sad when Tawkerr had left Plant Island for Cold Island, but she was happily living in Air Island with Stoowarb. It was better this way, she had decided.

"Parlsona?" Stoowarb asked. "Are you alright?"

Parlsona nodded.

"You seem a little sad."

"I'm not," Parlsona replied firmly. "I just need some rest is all."

"Well then, get some rest. We'll still be here tomorrow morning," Stoowarb said with a smile.

"Okay," Parlsona nodded and stood up. "I'll see you later."

"See you then," Stoowarb replied as Parlsona left.

Parlsona laid down on the ground, and shut her eyes, falling asleep.


She felt as if she were having a dream. She was floating in a pink sky. She floated through endless space and grew dizzy. She floated through infinitely tall stairs. A cloud of seeds floated out, soon turning into flying animals.

Suddenly, she saw a staircase that disappeared in a huge blue shape, turned into two, and vanished in a rainbow of colors. Birds and animals flew out of the rainbow, in white and blue colors. When the rainbow disappeared, she felt like she was surrounded by a pink, fluffy cloud.

She was in a lovely world that didn't exist.

She stopped breathing. She started smiling.

She started swimming in the air, then spotting a heart shaped balloon heading towards her. There was a love letter tied to it.

With a sweet expression on her face, she opened it.

The letter was written by Stoowarb.

'Parlsona, you are quite the beautiful creature.' It read. 'I have been captivated by this beauty since the moment I laid my three eyes on you. I love every little thing you do.'

The letter continued.

'Before you know it, I will be together with you. I'm so glad that I finally found someone who can understand me.'

Reading this letter brought a smile and a blush to Parlsona's face. She had been captivated by Stoowarb's good looks for a long time, but this particular letter had brought about a new level of passion. It was one of the only things that could explain her emotions now.

Then, a cloud shaped like an elephant flew up to her. Parlsona turned towards it, and showed it the letter. It read the letter, and looked up at her.

"What should I write back to him?" Parlsona giggled.

The cloud closed its eyes, and then slowly began to write. Its pen was a pale light blue.

The cloud wrote, 'My dear Stoowarb, I may not return your love, for this is but a dream.'

Parlsona sighed, and nodded with a frown. "It is. And I'm going to wake up now."

And almost immediately after that, Parlsona woke up, getting up off the ground.

Her lips turned up into a smile, and she made her way to the edge of the island. It had all been but a dream. It couldn't hurt her now.

From off the edge of Air Island, she could see Cold Island, and Tawkerr. Seeing Tawkerr still made her sad, and made her remember how he had left Plant Island. Seeing Cold Island, though, made her angry. How could he hide how he felt about Plant Island for so long? How could she let him leave?

But she had to let him leave, because she loved him. Even if she hadn't always agreed with his decisions, even if he had won on most of them, he had always been there for her.

But he sure wasn't here for her now.

Parlsona knew she had to stop thinking about Tawkerr, and focus on rehearsing her song. She cleared her throat, and quietly sang to herself.

"You can see me in the sky, and yet you don't know how to fly. And I don't want to be here alone..."

The rhythm and intensity of those simple words played in her mind again and again. When it was time for the real deal, she'd have to harmonize with Stoowarb perfectly.

In the end, she always worried about her own performance more than the performance of her partner.

Parlsona took notice of a yellow hula hooping monster right next to her. This monster was a hoola.

"Hello." Parlsona greeted. "Are you always hula hooping?"

Hoola nodded. "Yeah, I'm Hoola."

Parlsona gave a smile. "Nice to meet you, Hoola."

Then Parlsona thought for a moment. "Do you mind if I try out your hula hoop?"

Hoola said, "Okay, I guess."

Parlsona hula hooped for a while, and it was pretty fun. Soon the Hoola wanted her hoop back, so Parlsona gave it back and let her be on her way.

Down below on Cold Island, she could see Maggpi, that bitch who had stolen Tawkerr away from her. It made her angry. She swore that she would go slap her in her stupid face one day.

But Tawkerr loved Maggpi, so Parlsona was trying to be a little more understanding. Even if he did leave her on Plant Island for that bitch.

Parlsona was frustrated. Why couldn't she just stop thinking about how Tawkerr left her and move on? She wanted to forget, but it didn't work. Parlsona was still suffering from regret, and anger, and grief. Why couldn't she just hold it in?

Maybe it was because Tawkerr was still driving her crazy.

She was furious about everything. Tawkerr was the one who chose to leave her on Plant Island. Tawkerr was the one who made her worried sick for almost a month, looking all over for him, only to find out he was never coming back.

He should be the one with the unbearable guilt, not her!

Parlsona began to feel tears fall from her blue-ish eyes. She looked to see if anyone was around. Then she began to quietly cry into her palms.

Stoowarb came from behind a rock, surprised to see Parlsona crying. He went to go comfort her.

Parlsona looked over at his face, concerned for her. She turned her head away.

"This isn't over yet," She whispered. "I thought I was ready to move on, now that I'm in a better place with you. But I'm not."

Parlsona sighed. "Look at me. I'm just so...pathetic."

His heart beat faster. "I didn't know you were still feeling this way."

"I'm hurt. Tawkerr has hurt me." Parlsona said, crossing her arms.

"And I'll be damned if I let you get hurt again." Stoowarb promised. "He left you, but I'm not going to."

Parlsona let out a sob. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Stoowarb. What if you find another girl, and run off with her?"

"I don't want another girl." Stoowarb said firmly. Then, he grabbed Parlsona's hand, causing her to lightly gasp.

He gave a warm smile. "I have three eyes, but the only girl I see is you."

Then, they got closer to each other, and kissed.


The dream hadn't really been a dream after all. Only foreshadowing for the events to come.

Good to know.

But what lay ahead? Would Parlsona ever move on? Where would her and Stoowarb's relationship go?

Only time would tell.

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