Peyton - The Dream

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I pull up to the building and park in the parking garage. I step out of my car, grabbing everything, but leaving the things to put on my new desk behind, because I don't want to be that person with a box, walking down the halls.

Locking the car doors I check my watch to see 8:44 showing on the clock's hands. I speed-walk to the elevators and throw my satchel bag over my shoulder. I barely make it through the closing elevator door.

"First Day?" I jump at his voice. "Oh sorry. I didn't mean to"

"No, no. You're fine. Sorry, I just didn't know you were he..." I look over at him smiling at my flustered body. "I-You're Colin Jost."

"Yeah, I get that a lot." He smiles amusingly. "And you?" He puts his hand out for a shake.

I snap out of my daze of meeting one of my many idols and take his hand, "Peyton Arizona. I just got hired as a writer."

"Ah, so you're the girl Seth won't shut up about. It's nice to finally meet you." He lets go of my hand.

"I hope he hasn't gone settin' the bar too high," I playfully say, letting my southern accent show.

"Oh no, he has. But you'll be fine. It's the dream, right? Saturday Night Live?"

I nod, "Living the New York dream."

The elevator door opens, he nods for me to walk through first. I smile and walk. He walks next to me through to reception. "Hey, Claudia!" Colin says to the woman at the desk. She's a younger-looking girl with a black-haired afro matching her dark soft skin.

"Good Morning Mr. Jost, and Good Morning to you, can I help you?"

I step to the counter, "Hi, I'm Peyton Arizona, it's my first day, I'm here for Seth Myers.

"Oh yes," she looks down as if she knows me very well, "Mr. Meyers has been talking about you." Colin looks at me in an 'I told you so' way.

"I'll take her down," Colin stands straighter. "I want to see his face when she comes." Claudia laughs and lets us through. We go down winding hallways, going left, then right, then left again...

"How much did he butter me up?" I quietly say.

"Enough to make it a running joke," He teases, leading me into a side office, "Seth...she's here."

Seth Myers, the guy I already had my interview with stands from behind his desk, "Yes! She's here! And," he pauses to look at his watch, "right on time."

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Peyton." He smiles backing out of the room.

"It was nice to meet you too." I wave back. Then I'm coaxed out of the room.

"I'm going to show you your office, then, we'll go to the writers meeting," He enters an office on the other side of the hall a few doors down. He knocks on the open door, "This is you, Bryan is right next door. So ask-" he stops himself and yells across instead. "Bryan! Will you come over here please?"

After a few seconds, Bryan appears in my doorway. "What's up?" he asks exasperated.

"This is Peyton, the new writer I mentioned."

"That's the understatement of the year," he laughs extending his hand. I shuffle my feet to take it, "Bryan, nice to meet you."


Seth claps his hands to show he's excited for me, "I have to get ready for the meeting, can I trust you'll take care of her?"

"Oh, I'll guard her with my life." He jokes, apparently that's what I am now. A giant joke. Seth walks out of my office and taps Seth on the shoulder. When he's gone I turn to put my stuff in the small but workable office on the 70's style desk facing the rainy New York street. "So, bring your laptop, and do you have a notebook?"

"Yeah, I didn't know if I needed it-"

"Oh," he laughs, "you will. Get those, and follow me." Quickly I stumble for them in my bag and run to catch him down the hall. "Hey, can I ask? Where are you from?" He walks down a corner right in front of me making me stumble backward.

"Oh, uh, Louisiana."

"So, you like the Saints?"

"Yes, sir," I say walking behind him.

"Well don't walk behind me. You're human, and we're on the same team. For anything, you're higher up than me. In here," he points to a kitchenette room. I follow him in, to find a bunch of different aged people collecting around the coffee machine. "Hey, guys!" Bryan gets their attention. "This is the infamous Peyton," the room cheers at my name, and I try to hide my smile. "Now! Now-" the room calms down again, "I promised Seth I would protect this girl with my life, so Jim, go easy on her here. Alright?" The room laughs then goes back to their conversations.

"Hey, want some coffee?" A voice yells over to me. I look up to see a man, who really looks like a teenager, with the coffee pot in one hand, and a mug in the other. I walk over to him and gladly accept it. He pours me a cup in a Lion King Mug. "The hell? What is this mug?"

He laughs, "It's a great cup! I'm John, by the way."

"Peyton," I take a sip of my Mufasa coffee.

"Where's your office?"

"I have no idea. I'm right next to Bryan. That's all I know."

"My office is right near his. Maybe we can be office buddies."

I laugh and give him a handshake, "Office buddies." He takes it and starts to repeat when we're called into the conference room, John and I walk in, sitting next to each other, and Colin sits on the other side of me.

"Oooh, it's Micheal Phelps." He says under his breath so only I can hear. "I bet this show is going to go swimmingly." I almost spit take the coffee as I log into my laptop and get my notebook ready.

"Welcome to Season 36, great to have you back, with my new writer Peyton Arizona." Seth starts, the room starts clapping and I laugh.

"Calm down, I haven't won an Emmy yet."  The room laughs and we resume the meeting.

"This week's host is Micheal Phelps, he's awesome, great to have back, yay...but. We need to come back into 2010 with a swing. So I need Monologue ideas now. Whatcha got?"

A/N: Heyyy guys! So idk if I'll carry this on. but I was in the mood so I thought I'd start. comment suggestions and stuff. idk if imma post smut (is that the name?) it feels a tiny bit weird. but we're gonna see. ok byeeeeee

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