Peyton - Is it true?

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Tina hands me a glass of champagne as she drags Jeff over with her, "You remember Jeff."

I shake his hand, "Yeah, of course. It's good to see you again."

"You too. Oh, is this the pros and cons list guy?" He asks pointing up to John. I look up to John in a 'should I?' way.

"Yeah," my gaze becomes softer. "This is my boyfriend John." They shake hands and Tina drags me away.

"Uh. What the hell. Why did you not tell me?"

"No one really knows," I take my arm back.

"No one really knows," she mocks. "How do Colin and Micheal know then?"

"They just found out. I don't know. They're nosey."

"Ha! And I'm not."

I laugh and look back at John somehow engaged in what looks like a serious conversation, he looks back at the same time and we smile at each other. "You told me about all your other boyfriends."

"All my other boyfriends. There have been 2 thank you."

"Uh. And that bartender."

I sigh, "Well you didn't have to remind me, idiot."

"Is it true?" A voice behind me says. The voice being Colin with a drink in hand. "That you came together."

"Jesus Christ. What is this? Middle School?" I gasp, "Did you hear Sally and Jake kissed at the swamp?!" I say in a joking way.

"What?" Tina says, scrunching her face.

"Ok, this is real life. People don't kiss in weird places." Colin steps closer to us.

"What? My first kiss was in the swamp."

"That sounds like a you problem. But you and John, is an everyone problem." Colin waves his hand around.

"How is it and everyone problem?"

"It just is. Are we dating....wait. We have to get Micheal." He grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd looking for Micheal. I smile at people as I'm pulled past them.

"Hey Peyton! Come here for a-"

"Can I come back to you, Just one second please!" I walk faster to be next to Colin, "This better be good because I just had to put Seth Myers on hold."

"Ok, Micheal. So, they came together."

"I heard. What's the deal? We dating?"

I roll my eyes, "Come on, can't I do anything with my life?"

"Hey Scottsdale," Andy says walking up to our collecting group.

"Sandberg, did you notice who she came with?" Tina nods her head to where Jeff and John are still talking.

"Can we stop broadcasting it to the entire party?" I say in a hushed tone.

"Oh shut up," Michael flicks his hand calling another SNL personal over.

I scoff and walk away from the group. I find Seth and the high up officials he's making laugh, "And, there she is. Peyton Arizona." He pulls me next to him, "this is the genius behind why our show is so damn good." I blush and look down at the floor.

"Well, I'm no Seth Myers," I smile up at him.

"She even knows how to suck up to her boss." He side hugs me. "Oh you know who you need to meet." He lets go of me. "John Mulaney. I swear he's going places. Do you know where he is, Peyton?"

"Yeah, I'll go get him." I smile and walk away, across the room to where he is now at the bar.

He smiles when he sees me, "Hey Kid." He stands from the bar and smiles at the bartender walking by.

"Kid Gorgeous," I remind, pulling myself to him. He smirks as he bends to kiss me and I go on my toes to reach.

"Mmm-" I pull away, "Seth was asking for you. I said I'd go find you." I take his hand and pull him through the crowd back to the group of important people, but now Lorne has joined them.

Right before we reach the group he pulls my hand, "Hey, before we go I need to tell you something-"

"There he is!" Seth exclaims calling him into the circle. "It's going to be so hard to give you up next Season John."

John looks down as I give him a confused glance, "What?"

"You didn't hear?" Seth asks, standing between us. "John is going on tour! And Comedy Central is recording a show."

Johns eyes burn on my skin. I can feel the resentment boiling in me, ready to be vomited out. My vision blurs as I blink back my anger. "Excuse me," I politely say, walking backwards from the circle 'admiring' John.

I walk to the bar, "Scotch," I quietly demand. The next thing I know it's almost gone.

A/N: Omgggg heyyyy! I see i've gotten a few viewerssss thank you so much! but also, i sometimes add things or change things to the chapters because i think that'll make the story better. I'll start listing at the bottom of new chapters what changes I made. Like in this Chapter I changed the first season she worked on to 36th, and the year to 2012.
Honestly i love you guys!!!💖

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