Peyton - Can't Move

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"Drew? What the hell are you doing here?" I get out of the car, with John sleeping.

"Do you have any regrets?" He turns around as I shut the door.

"I regret asking you why you're here."

"I mean about us."

"No." I simply say.

"None at all? You don't regret breaking up?"

"Drew. We were in high school. I got a full ride of LSU. I needed to go to that."

"How do you know you wouldn't of been happy staying here with me?"

"You're not asking me to stay here for you?"

"Well, maybe."

I laugh, "Drew! We were in high school. We're over. I moved on."

"Well I've loved you for 15 years, Pey."

I scoff, "You don't love me. You're lonely, and you lothe me. And you can't stop thinking about how much I hurt you because you're lonely."

"How do you know?"

"Because I felt that same way about you. And then I went to New York, and I met the love of my life."

He runs over to me and grabs my waist, pulling me into trying to kiss me, I try to push him away from me, "Get off me, Drew. Drew! Stop it!"

After a few more seconds of protest he lets go of me. "If I can't have you," He walks to his car and opens the door. "Then no one can."

I feel the floor race up and hit my head. I go to grab it but I can't move. I try to scream but I can't move. I try to cry but I can't move. I try to relax but I can't move. I try to tell John I love him, but I can't move.

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