Charlotte - Mulaney

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"Did you even change?" She looks me over.

I laugh, "No. I don't know these people."

"Oh but darling, you soon will." She pulls me into a bathroom.

"Can I at least fix you?"

I look at my outfit, "Can you fix a Star Wars shirt and Jeans that are naturally ripped?"

She laughs, "Don't downgrade my power, love." 30 seconds later she stands up, "Yeah, maybe not. Come, I'll make you wear something of mine. Or Liams sister!"

I follow her down the hall, and into a very prettily decorated room, with a huge wardrobe. "So I got how Brennen knows Liam. How do you?"

"Our parents are long time friends. You're not the only one with famous parents," she jokes, pulling out different dresses.

"Should we be taking her clothes?"

"Oh, I steal her clothes all the time. She won't mind, long as we wash it after."

I nod, sitting on the bed wanting to sink into how soft it is, "So, who's your famous parent?"

She laughs, "Idris Elba."

"You're kidding?"

She nods her head, "Big fan?"

"Well, I'm not 50, but I was raised by my father, who already sounds like a 1959's announcer. So I've seen a thing or two."

She laughs, and then gasps, "This is it! This is bloody it." She pulls out the dress. It's red, with the string to hold it up in an X on the back. It's short, but flowy, and made of what feels like clouds. I change into it, in the middle of the room because, who's gonna see me?

She then pulls me back into the crowd to a group of boys accumulating, "Peppa, I don't know about this. I'm not really an expert at this kind of stuff."

"Oh come on, live a little."

"See, you say that-"

I'm interrupted by her introduction, "Hello Boys. Have you met Charlie?"

I get a few "Hello Charlie"s.

"Hi," I quietly say.

"Charlie goes to Oxford with me." She nudges me, as a push to talk. And she's right. Why should I be nervous? I'm bacicly drunk, I'll never see these people again, and I have every right to have fun.

"I do." I stand taller.

"What are you majoring in?" One of them asks me.

"Political Science," I respond, looking at him lean on a chair, smiling. "And what about you?"

"Political Science. What about you?"


"My father was an english major. And I'm minoring in it."

"Really?" We begin to walk to our own side. "Why are you minoring?"

"I'm supposed to become a lawyer."

"And you don't want to."

"No," I laugh, "No I don't."

"Well, what do you want to be?"

"I want to be like my parents. They're both Comedians. Well ones a comedian, the others a comedic doesn't matter-I can't do that."

"And why not?"

I scoff, "I've already caused my Dad enough trouble. I can't just change my whole plan."

"You're minoring in it anyways," He picks up another beer and hands one to me. "What happens when you grow up? Will the fun just be over?"

"Yeah," I chuckle. "Yeah, the-the fun'll be over." I laugh and look at the ground. "But what about you? Why are you doing English?"

"I want to become a playwright."

"Want to be the next Shakespeare?" I joke.

He shrugs, "My name is William."

"Well, golly."

"Did you just say 'golly'?"

"It only sounds good in an american accent."


I try to stop laughing, which makes me laugh even more, "You-You've got to be kidding me!"

He tries to stop too, "It's completely true..." He says, gasping for air.

Then my phone rings, I weakly reach for it on the coffee table of beer bottles, "Hello?" I say. Will let's out a chuckle, which makes me start to laugh even more. I hit him to get him to stop.

"Hey I just landed."

I sit up straighter, trying to read the time on the clock under the television, "Shit." I say, worried I won't be on time.

"Well, it seems you were prepared."

"I-I'm sorry. I'm on my way right now."

"Well I'll be a while."

"So will I." I stand up. "I gotta go." I hang up and briskly walk into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Will asks, following me.

"I have to pick my dad up at Gatwick."

"I can drive you."

I shake my head, "No no no. I'm sorry. I can't show up with a boy to pick my Dad up."

He laughs, "I don't think you really have to worry about that."

I stand up, "Uh. Yes. I do."

"I mean, as in, I'm gay."

My jaw drops, "Oh my god. I-My gaydar is usually better than that." I laugh.

"Well, I've learned to hide it."

I grit my teeth, "So does that mean you can drive me?"

He laughs as he motions me to the front door, "Lets go..."

The ride to the Airport we laugh about everything we talked about the previous night, and telling more stories. As we pull up to the pick up area I turn to him, "So, we're going to pretend like we've been friends since the beginning of school. Ok?"

He agrees, as he parks. "My name is William Avery."

"Charlotte Mulaney, we good?" We both nod and I get out of the car just as Dad exits the double doors.

"Hey Potato Chip," He walks into my arms to hug me.

"Hey Papa Bear," When I was 13 I thought that was hilarious because of how skinny he was.

I can hear Will stammer behind us, "Oh, this is my friend, Will."

Will shyly walks towards us, "You're, Charlie, Mulaney. And your father is..." He quickly points away from me and at Dad, "It's nice to meet you, sir." He puts his hand out for a shake

"Woah. Sir? Please, call me John." Dad reluctantly takes his hand.

"I'm sorry. It's just you are, one of my idols. I'm actually supposed to go to your show tomorrow."

"Well. Now you get to meet me too," I can hear how touched he is.

"I can put your bag in the boot for you," Will grabs his bag and opens the trunk door.

"He's gay, right?" Dad leans down to quietly ask me.

"How did you know?" I look up at him.

"Oh, you grew up with me. You don't have a gaydar."

"I'm sorry, what?" I watch him walk towards the car and into the back seat.

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