Charlotte - New in Town

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I sit down at the bar at my group of friends laughing, "What's up?"

For college I got accepted to my dream school, Oxford Uni in England. So in my group of friends there is Peppa and Liam, who are both from London. Brennen is from Ireland, and Ewen is from Scotland.

"And here's the American now?" Peppa looks at me as I sit next to her.

"Ha Ha..."

"What were ya' doing?" Brennen asks me, handing me a glass of pitch black beer, with a white top layer.

"Oh. I was talking to my best friend in America. What were you crazy kids laughing about?" I hesitatingly take a swig of it.

"Oh, we were taking about Professor Conrad. What an idiot, right?" Peppa asks the group.

I scrunch my face at the taste of the beer, "Ugh!" I shake my head on impulse. "What is this?"

"Guinness, what else?" Brennen smiles, bringing his own glass of the same thing to his mouth.

"This is Guinness? Oh god, how do Irish people love this way?"

"I though you were Irish."

"I'm Boston Irish, thank you."

"Oh! God!" Liam calls out. "My father wants me to go to the 'country' for Christmas."

"That sounds lovely." Ewen takes a sip of her own drink. I order a Gin and Tonic.

"It's not. Believe me. Then I'll have to go, ski, and be with family. He wants me to go up as soon as school is let out. Fuck that." Liam takes a sip of his drink.

"Is there something so bad about the country?" I ask, accepting my drink.

"It's just, boring."

"So then make it not boring," I say in an obvious way.

Peppa gasps, "Invite us!"

Ewen gasps too, "Yes! Oh come on, it'll be cracker."

Liam shakes his head, "I don't would have to be before Christmas."

"Have any of you booked your flight home?"  Brennen asks us, putting cash on the bar for I drinks, I offer but he tells me to put my wallet away.

We all walk out of the bar and onto the London streets. Since it's Friday we always go to London over the weekend and stay at Peppa's parents apartment. But I'm only allowed to stay in it if I call it a "flat," which really just sounds wrong in anything but a British accent.

We all say no to Brennens question of our time limit before Christmas. As we ride the elevator to the apartment my phone rings.

"Hello?" I answer it, my friends drunkly singing god save the queen as Peppa undoes the lock.

"Hey Chip. What's up?"

"Oh, I laugh. Nothing." We enter the apartment, people going every which way. "We just got back from some bar."

"I see."

Ewen gasps, "Is that your Da?" I nod. "Hello Mr. Mulaney!" I put the phone on speaker so everyone can say hi.

"When are you coming here?" I ask, plopping in the very sinkable couch.

"On Saturday, then I have a show, then we head home Wednesday for Christmas."

"We flying to Boston?"


"How's the tour?"

"This was easier when I was 29, and could move."

"Then you had a kid?" I laugh, propping the phone on my shoulder.

"Then I had a kid. You have no idea how exhausting you were."

"Well...I have a first hand idea." He scoffs, "Have you had your comedy dinners lately?"

"Well, I've been on tour, But when I did it at Radio City Seth, Nick and Dan came out. I even got Pete one night.

"Well yeah. He's Pete Davison." I stand up and walk to my bag on the ground, pulling a flowy red dress out, "Look, Dad I gotta go be a British college student."

"Tell me how it goes. I'll use it when I host SNL again."

"Ha, ha..."

I can hear his amusement, "Alright. I love you-call your mother."

"Alright..." I sigh. "Love you." I hang up the phone and look back at the kitchen where they're all talking looking at each other's phones. I walk in, dress in hand, "What?"

"What's your dads name?" Liam asks me, looking up.

I sigh, they found me out, "John."

"As in, Mulaney." Ewen says again.

"Yes," I take a seat at the island.

"OooOooh," Peppa walks into the living room. "Forget the club. We are watching something of him. Do I need to go on Youtube?" I laugh at how her accent says 'Youtube'.

We all go and sit in front of the huge TV, "Really, guys he's not that important."

"I've seen this guy before. Bloody hell, where've I seen him?" Ewen asks me, I don't respond.

"There's something on Netflix."

"He has 3 things on Netflix. But he also stars in a TV show that's on there."

She goes to Netflix and looks up 'Mulaney', "Which one?" Peppa asks me, and the room looks at me for my answer.

"I don't know! New in Town?" I shrug.

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