John - The Holidays

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I knock on the door, "Come in!" She yells through the door. I open it and see her in the bathroom, "Hey!" She walks out putting another earring in. She's wearing a long sleeved red dress, with multiple flows levels of skirt making her look sexy as ever.

"Hey..." I answer, walking her walk out. "You look. Wow, Pey."

I can see her blushing as she goes on her tip toes to kiss me. Because of the height difference I need to meet her mostly halfway, which I'm glad to.

She walks to the coat hanger by the door and grabs the black one near the middle of the pole. I rush to go help her, she looks like a princess I might as well make her feel like one.

"Shall we drive?" I ask opening the door for her as she puts a hat on.

"What? No! Let's walk. Come on! It's right there John." I give in to her cries and we begin walking around the corner to the building , arm in arm.

"What are you doing for the Holidays? Hannaka is over Christmas this year right?"

"Yep. But I'm just going to stay home. Maybe I'll get myself a lizard." She laughs.

"Seriously? All alone?"

"Well, I'll see if other people are going to be alone, I can make dinner for them." I give her a suspicious look, "what?!"

"No, no it's nothing, except that you can't be alone during the holidays! You don't have any family to see? You're from Louisiana, how is that possible?"

She laughs as she pulls me closer for warmth, "I don't know if I'll see my dad. I can't see him like that. I know that's selfish but I can't."

I take a moment before I decide to speak again, "Well, come to Massachusetts with me."

"What?" That got her out of it.

"Really. I couldn't leave with knowing you were gonna be alone. And my parents already love you. We don't have to tell them about, us," 'us' being the relationship we both are to scared to put a label on. She starts laughing, and I chuckle with her, "What?! I'm serious."

"Wait, you're serious?"

"Yes! Come on! What's wrong?"

"We-We're. I'm not ready to meet the parents we're not even dating yet."

"Ok. Peyton, I'm in love with you. Please date me." I see her leer up at me. "What? Come on! I can't just leave you here."

"No, John I'm Jewish, there's no presents for me under your tree, I don't have a menorah to light..."

"Promise me you'll think about it."

"Fine, I'll think about it." She says in a giving up tone. "But back to the dating thing..." I chuckle and looks straight ahead before coming back to my gaze. "It might help the chances if we are dating. Even the Pros and Cons act listed it as a con."

"Fine," I laugh. "Be my girlfriend."

"Be my boyfriend." We stop in the middle of the sidewalk and kiss, letting other walkers go their own way.

As we draw back I keep my eyes closed smiling, "That's better..."


"Good Evening Ms. Arizona. And, Mr., Mulaney," She says in a confused way about how we've both showed up together. "You can put your coats in the coat check and head up to floor 66." The office is perfectly decorated for the the Holiday party happening. Decorations of all different holidays.

We smile as we thank the intern receptionist, the same one at the studio, and give our coats to another intern running the coat check, we're loaded on the elevator. The sound of the humming elevator fills the room.

"Are we really about to do this?" She asks looking straight ahead.

"I think so," I respond. I look over to her looking back at me. She takes a deep breath and looks back at the elevator doors.

I lightly feel the back of her fingers brush my hand. I open it at my side to hold her hand in mine, our fingers locking together.

"Hey," I bend down slightly to her ear, "at least there's going to be a lot of people winning bets tonight."

As she starts laughing the doors open to every NBC employee we know talking. Wreathes hanging from the ceiling.

We walk in still hand in hand. "Why are we doing this?" I whisper.

"I don't know," She whispers back. I look back at the crowd worried of their reaction. "Hey, hey hey," She says to get me to focus on her. "Who cares?"

"Every single person in this room knows you're to
good for me. Even the pros and cons list said you were."

"Oh shut up. I think you're perfect, and that's all
that matters. Right? I don't have parents to hate you."

"That's not funny."

She tilts her head, "Eh. It's kinda funny."

"Well look who the cat dragged in," Tina says waking over to us. "And look at her trophy mouse."

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