Peyton - Leave

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"At least he'd be happy you're wearing a dress." Wyatt says in an effort to cheer me up.

"Heh, yeah." I sniff into the paper towel I'm holding in a ball.

"I still can't believe you're having his funeral in a church."

"Where a temple?" Wyatt kind of ticked off, asks Marissa in response.

"It is St. Martinsville after all," I add on. Holding Johns hand.

"Will you get over here and control your children?" Auntie says walking though the churches side door.

Wyatt and Marissa stand up, following her out side. The sound of the door opening and closing echos though the churches empty walls.

John squeezes my hand, "I know this must be so hard right now-"

"Ya think?" I let my tears run. "It hurst every time I sob. I can't leave my house with out checking every window to see if he's lurking there. My only parent is gone, the one who gave me a name, made me want to be better, and he's gone. I'm not even 30, and he's gone."

He pulls me into his shoulder. My sobs echo through the Parish, making me feel even worse, "And we're giving him a Christian funeral!" I begin to laugh. "He's leaving this life in St. Martins Parish." The thought makes me laugh even harder, also hurting my leg. "But at least I'm wearing a dress..." I say, under my breath, wiping my snot and tears off my face. I scan the church for something to make me feel better. But the hanging person of someone I don't believe in does me no comfort.


After the service, and the burial, the family stays back, "We're the only jewish people in Louisiana." Jody laughs.

"Yeah. Yeah we are." I laugh with him. "What would he think of us, laughing on his grave?"

"Well, he'd be laughing with us," Auntie adds.

Wyatt let's go of Marissa's hand and one of their sons shoulders. He grabs a handful of dirt and walks to the hole. Sprinkling it on the grave.

I let go of John and do the same, using my cane to walk over. Next Auntie, and then Jody. Then Sam, one of Wyatts sons comes over and grabs a hand of dirt, throwing it at Wyatt. He throws a hand back.

I grab a hand and throw it at Wyatt, making him chase after both of us. Though I really just station and try to turn away from the hurling dirt. Hank, the other son quickly joins us. Wyatt runs around the graveyard throwing dirt at the three of us.

Auntie tries to get us to stop, the rest laugh.

"Wyatt Herman Arizona! Peyton Savannah Arizona! Stop running on these poor peoples graves." We stop, trying to hold back our laughter. "Now get your butt back over to that church for a wake."

We file over, and I reunite with John, "You are a maniac."

"And?" I laugh, and wince at the pain.

"Oh laughing hurts but running around like a maniac doesn't?"

"Hey, I wasn't running," He rolls his eyes, I put my head on his shoulder as we walk. "I'm ready to go home."

"Me too." He answers.

I waddle up to Wyatt, "Wy. I can't comeback. There's just, to much, and not enough here. You know?"

"Ok," He hugs me, careful of my leg. "We'll go to New York."

"I could go to Colorado."

"But New York is cooler."

"But Peyton Manning plays in Denver."

"But New York is cooler."

"And more expensive you don't want to-"

"Peyton..." He distantly says, letting go of our hug.

"What?" I try to read his face.

"It's her."

I look behind me and see the woman that left me, the woman that came home not for me, the woman who left again not for me, the woman who wanted to meet me, the woman who was looking at the trees.

I can't stop my self from walking to her with determination, "Peyton..." Wyatt tries to stop me, but instead follows me. "Peyton! What the hell are you doin'?!"

She hears his voice and turns to see me steaming twoards her. Her eyes start to tear up as I get in speaking distance of her, "Who the hell do you think you are? Showing up here like what? Some sorta reunion?"

"You're my little girl," she half smiles.

"Little girl my ass. What are you doin' here?"

"Peyton..." Wyatt still tries to calm me down.

"An-And you're my son-" she looks up at him.

I interrupt her, "You lost all right of calling us your children the day you left. And then told us you were in a bus crash." I hear her gulp. "You left a man, with already 3 jobs, with your 2 small children. And you have the audacity to come back at his funeral?"

"I made a lot of mistakes in my past."

"What are we? The 8th step of AA?"

"I am so sorry-"

"Are you? Wow, never heard that one before."

"Peyton!" Wyatt says behind me.

"Do you even know anything about us? Wyatt is married and has 2 kids. Did you know that? Or that I work for SNL? I'm the head writer. Wyatt was the star football and basketball playing in High School. I got a full scholarship for something I didn't even take up as a profession! I got kidnapped when I was 22. I got shot the other day, by the same guy. And I am ready to marry the man who saved my life."

"Peyton," Wyatt grabs my good shoulder, "Calm down."

I look back at him, "I won't. I won't calm down. You didn't need a mom, Wyatt. You were a boy, and Dad was enough mama for you. Auntie was enough mama for you. But I grew up watching all these girls with out fathers." I look back at the woman on the verge of tears. "But they didn't need one, because they had their mama. And their mama was all they really needed. And they all wished their father was in the picture, that their father cared. And I didn't wish my mama cared, I didn't want you to care, because if you were able to tell your kids that you birthed that you died, and still sleep at night. Then there must be something seriously wrong with you. I wished I had a different mother, one that cared, and wouldn't have showed up to a funeral you knew we would be."

"You didn't love me they way you loved him. Your father. You cried when I held you."

"So you left?" Wyatt joins.

"I didn't love you. You were annoying, and winey, and you wouldn't leave me alone, and I didn't know what else to do. And I don't want to hear your speech of how I messed you up." She crosses her arms, Her black dress squeezing her in all the wrong places. She looked like she belonged in a folk band, with light brown hair turning gray. It looked like wood.

"Leave," Wyatt steps in front of me. "You do not get to come here and tell me or my sister that we're messed up when you're the one who left." Her arms fall. "I said leave!"

She begins to walks away, "I have no idea how you survived as an Arizona." Auntie walls up next to me. "We all knew you were an accident waiting to happen as soon as you got married."

She stops walking and looks at the three of us, "I said leave." Wyatt commands her. She once again walks away.

A/N: Guys, Idk what to write next, so pls comment ideas. I'm not very good at it, so. Sorry everyone. Thanks for sticking with me though! ❤️

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