Peyton - Find a new way

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"Ugh, I can't even. I mean, I get I'm swamp trash but get the fuck over yourself! You didn't care about me my entire life, and NOW you- I can't even John." I put my head on the table.

"So have you met her?" He asks.

I sit up again, "No." I play with a straw. "Is that bad? I mean she is my mother."

"More like your life donor. I mean, their's sperm donors, she's your life donor."

I burst out laughing, "Fuck...I need another drink."

"You know it's like 2:30?"

I laugh again, "Fuck...I need to sleep." I uneasily stand up. He quickly comes to my aid so I don't topple over. "Ahh, I'm a shit show, aren't I?"

"Eh, you look cute doing it though."

I scoff and he escorts me out and to the parking lot, "I cannot believe you have the same car."

"I love my car." I say, plopping in the passengers seat.

"If you ask me a little to much."

"Well at least this can't drive away from me."

"Unless you don't put it in park."

"Ha ha..." I snuggle into the leather seat of my Blue '87 Ford McLaren. "I missed you, well us, like this." My eyes stay closed. So that with the alcohol give me no shame.

"Why did you break up with me then?"

"When I was 4 my mom went on tour with this weird swamp band. And someone called us and told us she was in a bus crash. And then, when I was 10 her mom died, and there she was, in the back row the funeral. My dad didn't want me to know. He wanted me to remember her as the happy woman that wanted to come home to his daughter. But, I saw her."

"You know that I wasn't going to tell you I died."

"You might've. I mean, if my mother didn't love me enough to stay. Why the hell would you?"

The car comes to a stop and I groggily sit all the way up. He helps me out of the car and in my apartment. I open the door, "Are you going to take my car?"

He laughs, "No, I'll get a cab." I nod and start to close the door. "I'm still in love with you."

I swing the door open, "Oh thank god." And I walk into him and kiss him. We both pull each other and kiss harder. Stepping back into my apartment I close the door with my foot. I start to unbutton his white dress shirt before he pulls away, "Peyton, you're drunk."


"I don't want you to wake up in the morning and scream. 'Cause that's happened."

I smile and pull his neck down to my height, "It won't."


"How many shows do you have left?"

"3, another in New York, Boston, then Toronto."

"We can live with 3 shows." I snuggle into his side.

"Peyton." He puts his arm around me. "If the show goes well on Comedy Central, then I'll have to go on tour again."

I lightly tap his face with my hand, "Shh, can't you just let me be drunk and happy?"

He reaches his arm up to turn the light off, "If we're going to sleep like this something needs to give here. Either you need to move over, or need to find a new way to use me as a pillow."

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