John - Going Places

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"Jesus Christ! I'm coming!" The door opens on her in only a towel. I can hear the shower still running.

"Peyton, I wanted to apologize for last night. my highest mistake was letting you walk away." The shower turns off. "I was going to tell you, I was always trying to tell you. But in the end, I didn't know how to let you down like I did last night."

"John, I think you should go."

"No, no I am not leaving. I love you, so I'm going to fight. But when I said that I didn't mean that your mom didn't love yo-"

That's when he comes out of the bathroom. The 6' 5 billion" hot bartender, "Oh hey, I know you." He walks to the door and I can't keep my eyes off the man in her apartment. "You're the one who always orders Club Soda in the SNL group."

I finally unglue my eyes off him to her looking at the floor, "Damon, will you go in my room for a minute please. I just need to talk to him for a sec alone." He nods and kisses her cheek before closing the bedroom door behind him.

"What. The. Hell Peyton." I blurt out. "The bartender. Could you have at least fucked an actor. Or someone I know is better than me?" I can hear her begin to cry. "Is this what you do? You run, and you fuck Damon the Bartender?"

"John, you hurt me last night," she sniffs.

"You said I was your best friend. You said you loved me! Not all of our parents have the opportunity to die of cancer, or become rich and famous and leave us, Pey. One good thing happens to me and you run for the hills." I walk down the steps onto the slush sidewalk hearing her silently sob,

I pause, "You were supposed to be the love of my life."

"John please, just- don't leave."

"Goodbye Peyton."

"John! No no no, John!" She yells as I get in my car. "John! Don't leave John, John don't leave." The cries fade as I drive away, my heart beat in my throat.


I take the Lion King mug off the shelf and put it in my own hands, "Hey, that's my mug." I fill it with coffee, and drink out of it, making sure Mufasa stares her down.

"Well, actually it's mine. If I let you have it for to long you might break it along with everything else."

"John, we can't be like this.."

"Be like what? Like I'm not in love with you? I went to apologize for something I shouldn't have to apologize for, and instead was informed my girlfriend cheated on me with in 24 hours of being my girlfriend?"

"Excuse me, you told me my mother didn't love me."

"Maybe she doesn't." I turn to her. "But you already knew that. Or else you would know if she did she would've come looking for you long ago." I take a step to balance my self, "But even if you didn't think that. Why cheat, and with a bartender, Andy said he sent you home."

"So now you stalk me?"

" I don't stalk, I care! And I care about if you're safe. So I ask people. I guess I seem to be the only one who cares."

"The only one who cares? I was the one who told you I loved you. And yes, I was the one who cheated, but because you didn't tell me about your tour, and if you were going to hurt me, I thought I might as well cut it off first!"

"What is up with you and this tour? It's not like you're not busy with work every minute of your life."

She scoffs, "Because I don't want to follow you John, I want to follow my dreams."

"Which will probably one day going on tour!"

"No!" She puts a stop to the noise coming from the both of us, "It was to become head writer, write movies, TV shows, win an Emmy or and Oscar. And live out the rest of my life with you." She brushes past me, "I guess I love you enough, to not fight for you."

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