John - Who's that?

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"Who's that?" I ask Mandy, handing me a Pepsi.

"Oh, that's Drew, her ex boyfriend. I probably shouldn't tell you this but we all thought they were going to be the ones who survived."

I look at them laughing, suddenly feeling completely paranoid. "Why'd they break up?"

"She went to college."

"She went in Louisiana though."

"Well, Baton Rouge. But most people here don't go to college. And he got was messy." She takes a sip of Pepsi. "You don't have anything to worry about though." Her words don't help me.

"But, uh. What do you do?"

"Oh, I'm an accountant. I was always the math introvert one."

"I was always the introvert funny guy."

She raises her glass Pepsi glass and our glasses clink, "I'll raise a glass to that."

"Hey!" Peyton says walking up to us.

"Wha'd he have to say?" Mandy sips on her drink.

She puts her arm around my shoulders, with me sitting down at a bar chair she can. "We were just catching up. I haven't seen him in a long time. He looks good."

Mandy scoffs, "Good? Good for someone who-"

"Mandy, stop it." She rolls her eyes.

"Tonny!" Wyatt calls her. "Get over here."

"Wanna come?" She asks me.

"Oh, I don't know. They're your friends..."

"And you're the man I love." She pulls me with her anyway.

In one night I'm probably introduced to the entire town. Old teachers, dads friends, grandparents friends. Other random people and their kids. I feel peopled out by the end of it.

"I think me and John are gonna go home." She says to Wyatt having a great time with people his age.

"What? Why? How?"

"We're both tierd, we got up early to catch the red eye. And Mandy's gonna drive us home."

"Where are you gonna stay?"

"Home? Do you and the kids wanna be there? I just thought Auntie would want to be with the kids."

"Yeah, go there. That's fine." She nods and holds my hand walking out of the restaurant. She calls back, "Good night St. Martinsville!" She gets sole cheers, a few "Good Night Tonny's." They laugh the entire way on the way to Aunties house. I just watch the small town through the back seat window.

"Thanks Man." She gets out of the car. "I'll pick you up tomorrow?"

"Yeah, call me."

I get out of the car and zombie to our rental car. Plopping in the passenger seat. "Are you pooped?" She says in a baby voice to mock me. I just nod. And fall asleep to the sound of her singing some country song.

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