John - Dropping

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The boom startles me awake, I look up and see her on the ground, not moving. I run out of the car and to her side where she's gasping for air.

With all my true crime show experience, I know to put pressure on the wound. She grabs my forearms with her bloody hands, leaving my arm with blood handprints.

"P-Peyton. I-I can't let go of you or you'll bleed out." I can tell she's registering my words, and knows what that means. "Are there people near by?" I ask and barley make out her nodding. I immediately start yelling at the top of my lungs for someone. "HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE! HELP ME!" A 40-ish year old man comes running with a gun in hand.

"What is it son?" The out of breath man asks, then he sees her. "Jesus, is that Peyton Arizona?"

"Call and ambulance!" I feel rude for yelling, but I feel he understands.

"Stay there." He comes back a minute later with more men, a piece of wood and a truck.

"What about an ambulance?"

"They won't get here fast enough son. I'm the sheriff,  let me help ya'."

I agree and let them lift her body into the back of the pickup truck still covering her wound. I sit in the back, deathly afraid I'm gonna fly out. I pray the entire ride to the ER, which I haven't done since my Alter boy days.

Every so often I look at her and think she's dead, letting myself cry, then she gasps for more air and I lift my head to watch her return to normal for 2 seconds.

"Sir, please remove your hands. We've got her." A doctor says to me.

"Son, let them handle her."

I reluctantly let my hands pull away and they quickly take over. Putting their hands on her, putting her on a real gurney and wheel her in. I follow quickly behind.

"Hey! Son!" The sheriff yells to me walking through the doors. "She's Peyton Arizona. No one would ever let their hands to be the ones that kill them."

I nod walking back through the doors. I see her body on a trama table, "Sir, Sir?"

I shoot back to reality. "Yes?"

"Can I help you, are you hurt?"

"N-No my girlfriend. She's-"

"Sir if you're not bleeding in going to sit in the waiting room with everyone else. What's your girlfriends name, sir?"

I look around at the hospital beds out people, "P-Peyton Arizona."

Her face turns white, "Peyton Arizona is here?"

A passing nurse stops at the desk, "Did you just say Peyton Arizona?" They both look at the small room with the open blinds watching them try to save her life.

A doctor walks out of the room, taking his gloves off as he walks towards me, "Are you with her?" I nod. "How did you get here?"

"Uh-I think the sheriff, brought me-"

"Dr Jennings," The sheriff walks over to where me and the doctor are standing.

"Officer Montgomery. Are you the one that brought her?"

"I was. I she gonna be alrigh'?"

"We believe she'll be fine. But she's in critical condition so we can't be sure. It was in her right leg, so we're doing CT to see how much damage it did. Her daddy's here, so if she's here do you know if her brothers here? Or her Aunt?"

"They're both here. I-I think Wyatt is staying with their Aunt."

The doctor looks at the sheriff, "I'll go get 'em. Son, you may have just saved a town favorites life." He pats me on the shoulder walking out the sliding ER doors.

"It's true." The doctor laughs. "Where are you from?"


"And you're with Tonny?" He winces. "I wouldn't tell people that. Unless you want'em to have a fit. Go sit down. I'll let you know if anything changes."

"Th-Thank you Doctor." He nods and walks back into the room. I wallow my way to the waiting room. I stare at the ground, thinking that the next words I'm gonna hear will be her time of death. After 20 minutes Wyatt and Miranda come rushing through the doors.

"John. John what the hell did you do to her?" I stand up startled.

Miranda holds him back, "Wyatt, Monty said he's the one who saved her. Wy-"

He slowly backs away, "But if I find out you're the one who put her in this hospital I swear to god I will throw you in the Bayou."

"Wyatt! Stop it. Peyton is in the hospital, sit your ass down and leave the man alone." Marissa orders him.  He goes to sit in the chair next to me, "No, no no. I know better than that. I like the boy, and you're in no place of trust." She moves him over and sits between us. "Do you know what happened?" Her voice sounds 10 times more southern since I talked to her this morning. I shake my head, putting my face in my hand. "Oh..." she puts her arms around my shoulders pulling me closer to her. "She'll pull through, she always does."

"Jesus Christ." A nurse says walking up to Wyatt and Marissa, "Is it your father?" She neals down her hand on both of their knees. Wyatt shakes his head.

"Auntie?" She gasps, "Peyton?" Marissa nods still holding my shoulders. "Drew?"

"They think so," Wyatt says, scratching his head.

"I knew they never gave that boy a worth sentence. Especially for that girl, Jesus, I am so sorry ya'll. I'll go see if I can get and update for you."

Wyatt squeezes her hand she she gets up from the floor and walks back through the ER door.

I sit up straighter, "What does she mean a 'bad enough scentance'?"

Wyatt clears his throat and starts walking around the waiting room. Marissa lets go of my shoulders, "Peyton has just graduated college, and she came home for the summer, and she tried to tell Drew that they were both better off, and he wouldn't listen, so he kidnapped her. And the only reason they found her was because she made a light with potato's or something. It was something none of us actually believed. She was always so good that. We all think that's the reason she moved to New York."

My jaw drops as she goes through the story, "H-he, he did what? And he's walking around with a gun?"

"Right to bear arms," Marissa shrugs.

"He almost killed her."

"Well we don't know if it was him."

"Who else would want to shoot her? I just listened to the whole fucking town list reasons why she's to good for me!"

Marissa quiets next down, "John. Peyton is the closest I have to a sister, you think I don't want to murder him? Me and Wyatt have been together since the, the beginning of time. But we need to clam down. We're the Arizona's, and the Arizona's don't yell. And if you want to become one then you have to become one."

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