John - Hey!

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My phone rings. I answer it not even paying attention to the caller id. "Hey Superstar."

I laugh and look at the car floor, "Hey Seth."

"You know it's only been a year and a half, you could at least give me a better greeting."

"Hey Seth! God how long it's been!" I sarcastically say into the phone.

He laughs on the other end, "Where are you today?"

"NYU," I look out the window to college kids wandering street dead drunk.

"And you weren't going to come see me?"

"Well I guess I have to now."

I hear him laugh, "Come to the studio, I have to pack up my office then I promised I'd go to this bar. Everyone will be happy to see you."

"Eh, I dunno."

He laughs and I hear things shuffling, "Just get the fuck over here."

"Ok ok, I'm coming." I hang up the phone and lean into the front to talk to the driver. "Hey, actually do you mind dropping me off at 30 Rockefeller Plaza. I
can find my own way home." The driver nods, and I lean back into the seat.


"Knock Knock," I say entering the esteemed corner office.

He looks back at me, "There he is! Hold on. I gotta just finish packing this box."

I plop on the couch, looking around at the office I stole sandwiches from, "I can't believe you're leaving. You're Seth Myers. Actor and writer extraordinaire."

He laughs, "Well, all good things must come to an end." He puts the box next to the door. "You ready?" I stand up, and flick the lights off as we both carry boxes to the car.

After the 2 minute car ride was walk through the bar door. After 3 steps someone yells, "Oh look! It's the old boss here now!" Seth walks to the crowds of his old employees, me following behind him.

And there she is laughing with her normal group, when Seth's announced to the room she stumbles through, halfway through her drink which is definitely a Gin and Tonic. "Seth Myers!" She yells walking to the two of us, "and Pros and Cons list guy! How's your tour? Has the bus hit you yet?" She laughs.

"Scottsdale! Get over here!" Someone yells to her. She looks behind her, "I gotta go, but thanks for showing up Seth. I'll do you proud!" She points to him as she walks away backwards, running into someone. She stumbles and apologizes, then walking to her final destination.

"Hey Seth," Colin calls us over. "Oh, hey John." I smile I smile to them.

"Wanna drink?" Someone I don't recognize asks. We both decline.

"So," Colin starts, "Peyton, huh?"

He shrugs, "Well, I like her."

Bryan laughs, "Remember when she first got here? How excited he was for her?"

I chuckle, "Who could forget?"

"Now that girl has spread her wings and got the corner office." The group laughs.

I stop and look at Seth, "what?"

"I gave head writer to Peyton." I look over at her laughing at the bar, her hair being twirled between her pointer and middle fingers.

"John Mulaney," Someone pats my shoulder. I look over my shoulder and see him.

"Hey Andy! I heard you got married." I turn my body to him.

"I did. I tied myself down." He laughs. "Did you hear about Peyton?" I nod putting my hands in my
pockets. "Good for her, right. I mean she deserves this job. She's the only writer I know who is really friends with everyone. Weren't you two together once?"

"Y-yeah. Yeah we were. But that feels like forever ago." I look over to her again, still laughing
leaning on Becks shoulder.

"Then why are you still in love with her?"

I look at him caught off guard, "What?"

"Oh come on. You were just staring at her, with 'list' or what ever the hell. You need to get your shit together."

"Well, she broke up with me."

"Because she was scared! You were leaving, and to her every time someone leaves, they don't come back. She grew up in the swamp John. People went to town and that was a vacation."

I scoff, looking back at her.

"You really should just talk to her. She misses you."

"I don't think so-"

The next thing I know I'm dragged over to the other side of the room, "Phoenix!" He calls her over. I try to stop him but it's to late. She politely walks away and over to us.

"Hey guys!" She puts her hand in the front jean pocket holding a beer bottle in the other.

"Peyton! What is up girl? Head writer. Damn." He side hugs her. She looks down and smiles. "Oh shit, Joanna's here. Stay right there."

She takes a swig of her drink, "So. How's your tour?"

I look up, surprised she's actually talking to me, "Oh-uh, it's good. Yeah, how's work?"

"Well," she swings her arm around, "as you can see it's going very well." We stand for a second in awkward silence. "So, you dating anyone?" We look at each other, and she starts bursting out laughing. "I-I don't kn-know what just happened..." She continues to cackle, and I start to laugh with her.

The laughing starts to die down, "Nonexistent." I finally answer.

"Well, at least you don't fuck around." She takes a swig of beer. "Can I get you a drink? I'll even ask if they have flavored seltzer."

"Only if I can also get a lime on the side." She smiles as she walks over to the bar. After a minute she returns with 2 glasses "Alright, so they didn't have flavored, BUT! I got them to put lemon juice in it. with a lime on the side. And I'm just going to stand here and get drunk."

"Oh my, Peyton. You will not believe what happened yesterday."

Studio 8h - John Mulaney FanFicTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang