The White Violin (Part 1)

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Another sound of an explosion rang through the house shaking the ground causing me to grip tighter on Klaus as we made our way to the door where we were met with Luther who came out of Allison's room, Pogo, and Diego.

"Yo, what the hell is going on?" Diego's voice asked as he marched down the hall.

"Are those explosions coming f..."

"Vanya," I said simultaneously with Pogo with my eyes wide. How can she be doing this? I knew it wasn't wise keeping her locked up. Now she is angry!

"We need to get to safety outside the Academy." Another explosion shook the house making me stumble forward luckily Klaus managed to grab my arm before I could fall. We all shared a quick look with Luther before me, Klaus and Diego started going down the corridor.

"Don't forget Mom!" Luther called after us. He was staying behind to help Allison. Diego was already sprinting in front of us.

"Yeah," Klaus whispered to Luther nodding his head and then pushed me forward. "Come on, we need to go." We run down the hall but my brian was practically screaming at me to stop. To turn around and to try to talk to my older sister. To stop this madness. Also, there was a thought about where was Five but that wasn't too important now.

"Klaus," I said and wanted to stop but he kept on dragging me by my arm. "Klaus!" I yelled making him turn to me. An explosion shook the whole house and I had to steady myself on the wall.

"Letty, now it is really not a good time for games," Klaus said tugging on my arm so we could get mom and get out of here.

"Klaus, I need to...I need to talk to her I can stop her," I said ripping out of his grasp.

"No, we need to get out of here," Klaus said stomping his foot as if that would help us here.

"Go find mom and we will meet outside."


"Just go," I yelled pushing him forward to follow Diego and I started running in a different direction. Every memory that I had with Vanya now playing in my head.

Scarlett was just walking down the stairs to go into her room when she heard Allison's yelling and Luther's harsh voice. She started walking a bit quicker when there was a sound of doors being forcefully shut. She jumped down the last few steps to see Vanya there in front of Allison's doors. Looking as if she were about to cry.

"Hey, are you okay?" Scarlett asked carefully taking a step closer to her. Vanya who just now noticed her little sister's presence gasped. Recognizing her voice she quickly tried to while the tears away.

"Um...yeah...yes, I am fine," Vanya said turning towards Scarlett with a forced smile. But that didn't convince the younger girl. She knew her sister was hurting because she heard others shutting her off when she approached them. And she wanted to make her feel better.

"I wanted to ask if you could play me something on your violin?" Scarlett asked carefully.

"Why?" Vanya was confused. No one wanted to listen to her playing. Everyone said it was just boring. But here is someone in front of her requesting her to play.

"I got into a fight with Klaus earlier and I need something to calm me down before I burn down the academy and your playing always seems to do the trick," Scarlett said a small smile playing on her lips. It was just half-lie because come on she and Klaus never fight. But it was true that listening to Vanya's music calmed her down. She could hear it through the wall of her room and they were right next to each other.

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