A three part mini opera: part 1

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Alright imma release these all at once bc otherwise it would be mean of me. When I was writing these, I was going through something at the time so these are loosely based on true events. Because of that fact, I have not gone back to read over them properly because it brings back the memories. I hope you enjoy


Marvin ran faster than ever before. It was not real, none of this was real. He needed to get back to Whizzer as soon as possible, he did not know why, he just felt it. Something bad was about to happen. His heart beat was racing to the point where it was the only thing he could hear, and it began to hurt. His throat began to close up and his breaths started to turn into loud, hoarse noises as his trachea began to rub together. His footing became sloppy and each stride felt like he was closer and closer to falling.

The rain continued to fall in heavy sheets, and although it was day, the sky darkened from the rain clouds and suddenly a crack forged its way through the sky, brightening it for just a second and splitting it in half. And through the brightened sky he thought he saw a figure standing upon the roof.

And then his phone rang.

" Marvin, where are you?"

Whizzers voice was cold and hard, extremely different to his usual one. Emotionless.

" I'm running to the dorms"

It took him a moment to struggle through his sentence, his panting getting in the way, struggling to find the oxygen needed.

"Turn around"

"What, why?"

"Please, Marvin", and for the first time, emotion was shown in Whizzers voice," Just do as I say"

A small voice crack was all, but it showed Marvin everything.

"Whizzer, what the hell is going on" he yelled into the phone.

Another crack of lightning lit up the sky. And then he saw him. Whizzer standing four storeys up on the roof, too close to the edge for liking, his feet stopped working for a millisecond.

"Oh my god" Marvin's voice became a whisper

His fast jog became a sprint.

"I had a speech all planned, but I... I can't remember it"

"No. Don't you dare move, I'm coming for you"

Marvin sped up, seemingly impossible considering his limbs felt like jelly.

"No! No!" Whizzers voice became desperate "stop"

Marvin stopped, worried whizzer might do something he would not live to regret.

"This phone call, this is my note. I had to hear your voice one last time." Marvin could hear the smile in his voice as whizzer said it, he could see the indistinguishable figure step closer to the edge, hand out, fingers reaching for Marvin.

"No no stop it. Stop it right now. Stop pretending STOP EVERYTHING" Marvin yelled frantically.

He was so angry that he was trying to rationalise the situation. Whizzer would never do it never.

"I'm sorry Marvin. I love you. I never told you, but I love you so much. You have to forget about me, I can't... i can't..."

His lip began to wobble and the tears fell down his face, blending in to the rain soaked sky.

"No, I'm not going to let you say that over the phone, I'm coming to get you" he began to run again.

"NO" whizzer was desperate and he could not contain the tears anymore "STAY WHERE YOU ARE, I love you and I can't bear the thought of making you sad, but I have to do this"

The urgency in his voice scared Marvin, and his stomach began to turn. He stopped in his tracks, afraid of what whizzer would do if he moved.


Whizzer smiled, and as he did, a crack in the clouds formed and the sun shone down onto him. He swallowed back the last of his tears and uttered his final words.

"Goodbye Marvin"

He hung up the phone, leaving Marvin hearing the static at the other end. Whizzer could hear the slight echo of his name being yelled, but he ignored it placing his phone back into his pocket carefully. He breathed in heavily, enjoying the feeling of the rain on his face one final time. He let out the breath, shaking as he did, then he stepped off of the ledge, Marvin's jaw dropped as he fell.

Then Marvin collapsed.

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