Chapter 2

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****Note**** Spock will come across as very OOC, so forgive me all you Spock fans. I am just not logical enough.

Chapter Two

His first thought upon waking was 'that was a short shore leave.' His second was how everything hurt. He heard movement near him but held still in case they weren't friendly. Suddenly there was the sting of a hypo on his neck; his eyes flew open in shock. His body suddenly felt heavy and numb.

"Ah, Captain, you are awake. Excellent." came the calm and cold voice of his captor.

Kirk turned his head towards the voice, and his eyes widened even more. "Yarnek!" he gasped out through numb lips. He looked at his captor in shock. Somehow he was captured by the Excalibians again! "Why?"

"Ah, know that is a good question. I suppose I should satisfy your curiosity before you are knocked out again. We took you and Spock for another grand experiment. You two, together with others that we chose, will help us to create a new world. You should feel honored. After the last experiment, we thought you two best represent your individual species. Spock is already in the facility we created; now, it is time for you to be sent down. Have a good rest, Captain. I am sure we will talk again." And with that, he felt another sting of the hypo and lost consciousness.


When he came to again, he was on a soft surface, covered by a blanket. "Captain, you are awake." Came the familiar tones of Commander Spock. Kirk turned his head and saw that Spock was on another bed across from his.

"Where are we?" he asked in a rough voice. His mouth tasted like something died in it, and his throat was dry. He tried to sit up but was too weak and fell back.

"We seem to be in some sort of facility. We are locked in the room. They took our communicators and phasers, as well."

"How long were we out?"

"I would say that we were unconscious for 5.23 hours, Captain."

"What time is it?" he mumbled, and he rubbed his hands over his face.

"It is 1623. Would you like some water, Captain?" Spock asked.

"Please. So then the crew and ship have already realized that something is wrong since we missed reporting back to the ship."

"Affirmative," Spock said as he pours some water in a cup from the pitcher on the table between the beds.

"Well, I can safely tell you who has us. I would be safe in saying that we might be on Excalbia." Kirk finally was able to get his body into a sitting position. He did not like the feeling of weakness that the position of laying down gave him.

Handing the cup of water, Spock tilted his head to the side and asked, "How so?"

After taking a sip, he spoke. "I woke before being sent down to this facility. I met one of our captors. It's Yarnek. He decided that we best represent the Human and Vulcan races. We have been chosen for another experiment. He mentioned that there were others, and we would be created a new world."


Suddenly Spock lifted his head, and his nostrils flared. "What's wrong?" Kirk asked, immediately going on alert.

"There seems to be some sort of gas being pumped into this room." Spook went to get up from his bed before suddenly sitting back down. Kirk started to feel woozy. Knock outgas. Well, that explains Spock's lack of coordination. His cup fell from his fingers, and the world dimmed as the gas started doing its work. He heard Spock fall back onto his bed as the gas won out. Kirk slipped into the darkness that embraced him like a lost lover. All he could think was, 'Fuck my life.'

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