Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen

Sarek entered his quarters to find his wife pacing in front of the window. "Adun, you are back. Was Spock there? Is it safe?" She hurried over to him.

"Calm yourself, Aduna. We found him and the Captain. They, along with four other captives, are now in sickbay. I told Spock that I would let you know he was there and send you down."

Amanda smiled at him, and they briefly touched fingers in a Vulcan kiss before she left their quarters to head down to sickbay. Sarek went to the mate he had set up for meditation. He dropped down to loshiraq and proceeded to enter meditation. After what he gathered from both the Romulans and especially the Klingons, he had much to meditate on.


Amanda entered sickbay and did not see Doctor McCoy anywhere. M'Benga spotted her looking around and went over to her. "Can I be of service, Lady Amanda?" he asked her.

"Oh, Doctor M'Benga. I am looking for Doctor McCoy. I wanted to know if I could see Spock."

"Well, Doctor McCoy is currently in his office with Lieutenant Commander Scott. I believe they are in a meeting."

"Do you think it would be okay to see my son?"

"I believe that would be fine. They are in isolation as a precaution. If you'll follow me, I will take you to see him." They headed to the isolation room, and M'Benga opened the door. Everyone in the room was eating the meal that had been interrupted at the time of their rescue from the planet. Spock and Jim were sharing a bed, and each had what looked like a bowl of soup. "Commander Spock, your mother is here."

"Thank you, Doctor M'Benga." M'Benga nodded and exited from the room. Amanda made her way over to the bed where her and son and his Captain were seated.

"Would you like something, Lady Amanda?" Jim asked her, setting down his soup.

"No, Captain, I am fine. I came to see how Spock was."

"I am well, mother." He, too, set down his soup. He turned his attention to his mother.

'Are you going to tell her?'

'I am going to have to. I was hoping that it would be a while before I told her of our bonding and your pregnancy.'

'Are you ashamed?' Jim tried to keep his hurt to himself. Damn hormones are already kicking in.

'No Ashayam. I only wished for us to do this in private. Kadiith.'

'I'm here, Spock. We can do this later if you want.'

'No, we will tell her now. She will be able to help us tell my father.'

'Yeah, that would be good.'

"I have something I wish to discuss with you, mother."

"What is it, Spock? Are you okay?"

"I am well. I wished to tell you that, while on the planet, I bonded to Jim. He is now my bond-mate, my Thy'la."

"Oh, Spock. Are you happy?"

"I am content," he told her.

'You are more than content, you possessive bastard. If you were anymore pleased over this, you would shout it to the universe.'

'You have bonded to me, and you are carrying my offspring, I am content. Are you not?'

'I have wanted you since the choking incident; I'm more than content.'

They switched their attention back to Spock's mother. "Then I am happy for you," she said, not even noticing that they were conversing together mentally.

"There is another matter that I wish to tell you."

"Yes, dear?"

"When we were on the planet, we were experimented on. What they did to Jim and myself sent me into my time."

Amanda gasped and clapped her hand over her mouth. "Is that why you two bonded?"

"It caused us to bond sooner than I had planned. I was going to ask Jim to let me court him when we went on shore leave."

"Spock," Jim choked out with tears in his eyes. He leaned over and kissed him on the cheek because he could not speak.

"How sweet."

"Because of the experiments, I have impregnated Jim. He is now carrying my twin children." Spock finished. They waited for Amanda to respond, but she sat there with her eyes wide and her mouth open.

"His pregnant?"


And with that, Amanda Greyson, wife of Ambassador Sarek and mother of Commander Spock, fainted.

"That went well."

"I will call for Doctor M'Benga."

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