Chapter 28

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***Note*** Time jump going on. Komack makes an appearance. Homo/Xenophobic slurs - Komack, so that's all he knows.

Chapter Twenty-eight

Weeks passed, and Stonn came with T'Pring every day for their sessions. Spock was quickly able to regain the emotional control that he was known for, except when it came to Jim that control was known to go out the window. The Romulans and Klingons quickly caught on and were soon seen wandering around New Shikhar District. Suran and Korath could be seen out about shopping for things in preparation for their baby's arrival. Doctors McCoy, Marcus, and Kirk estimated that due to the adjustments in the DNA, male pregnancy would last only six months instead of the typical nine. Even though they still had time, they wanted to be prepared. Jim was excited about his two boys; he and Spock already had the names picked out. He was also excited that they were given the all-clear to return to duty. They were wary of the two Lieutenants, but nothing had happened so far.

Kor and Merrok, as well as their mates, were going to stay on New Vulcan. They were welcomed with open arms, so to speak as they were no longer welcomed in their previous homes. Jim was happy that they had somewhere to stay. They had had their bonding Ceremony two weeks after they had arrived and were now officially bonded mates. He had Bones and Sammy stand for him, and Spock had Scotty, and to his surprise, Stonn as well. Amanda had been in her element, planning it all. She even went and found the time to have a nursery set up in their home when they visited. All Jim could think was the woman was a force of nature.

The day came for them to go back to the Enterprise. She had been completely retrofitted, and everyone was ready for their next mission. The crew had enjoyed the month of leave but started getting bored out of their minds. Jim had not told the crew about the babies. He was not ready to divulge that to anyone but those who already knew. As far as the crew knew, they had bonded while held prisoner, and some experimentation had been done on them. Pike had kept them updated on the Komack/Marcus situation, and he was amused at how upset his going back on duty had made them. The Delta had already come and took the two Lieutenants back to their previous assignments. Sammy was staying on New Vulcan with the family as he was assisting them in their repopulating program. The Vulcans were still trying to break what had done so that they had more ways to increase their chances of children. Due to spontaneous Pon Farr had broken out in the Colony and may males had bonded to each other due to a higher rate of males surviving the disaster.

He and Sammy had been bonding during this time, but they still had a lot of issues to work out. They still disagreed, but after the first few times, they no longer sent Spock into a protective rage. He and Stonn were still coolly polite to each other, but he no longer acted all cave Vulcan when he was near Jim. They had sent everything ahead to the ship and had made their goodbyes to their fellow 'Bastons' and were ready to beam aboard the Enterprise when they received a call on their communicators.

"Kirk here."

"Captain, the USS Carstair has entered orbit with Admiral Komack on board. He is demanding your presence immediately on the Enterprise. He will be beaming aboard as soon as they have parked in orbit."

"Understood, Uhura. Have them beam us up now." The familiar tingle of the transporter rushed over them, and then they were aboard the Enterprise. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen, let's get ready for a visit from an Admiral." And with that, Jim made his way to the bridge.


Point two-three hours later and Jim and Spock were in the transporter room waiting for Komack to beam over. He had had Uhura put a subspace call to Pike on this unexpected visit from Komack and was told that he was on his way. However, it would take almost four days to get there even at warp seven. Komack appeared on the transporter pad, and Jim went to greet him.

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