Chapter 15

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***Note*** More revealed in this Chapter.

Chapter Fifteen

"They call us 'Bastans.' That was the name they gave us experiments. According to them, we are no longer just Romulan, Klingon, Vulcan, or Human. They took our DNA and mixed it with some traits from the Kintzi and Betazed. Eventually, they plan for all of them to exhibit traits from Vulcan, Human, Klingon, Romulan, Kintzi, and Betazoid."

Spock and Jim were stunned at what they heard. "What traits did they combine with us?" Spock was the first to get a hold of himself and ask.

"They wanted to have a Telepathic and Empathic Species. They seemed fascinated with an old Earth Goddess called Bastet, hence the name of the new species. They pulled the ability to go into heats, telepathy, among other things from the Kintzi. They looked for the gene on Telepathy from the Betazoids, that was the trait they wanted from them."

"What was the among other things?" Jim asked, dreading the answer.

"The ability to lock into their mates at the time of breeding. The dominates of the pairings all how barbs on their penis's now. The submissive now has the ability to go into heat, just like a female of the Kintzi."

"So, all pairings are Dominate/Submissive?" Spock asked.

"Yes, that was what they were looking for when they choose the ones for their experiments. We are not sure how they were able to tell who was what, though." Kor told them as he sat back and wrapped an arm around Suran.

Jim threw him a dirty look. Leave it to Spock to find this fascinating. "Are they any other changes that we should be aware of?" he asked.

"Yes, somehow they figured out a way for males to become pregnant and carry babies to term."

Jim choked as he tried to process this latest piece of news. "How?" he gasped out.

"They figured out what to adjust in the DNA that will force the body to create its own womb and eggs. This is why they chose a species that experiences heats."

"Have they been successful in this endeavor?" Spock asked.

"Yes," Korath said. "I am now three months pregnant with twins." He rubbed his abdomen. What Jim had thought was regular weight gain from not being active as experiments was baby weight. Oh god! Did this mean that he was submissive and was going to have a baby?

Spock felt Jim start to panic and knew that they would need to continue the discussion but at a later time would have to do. He nodded to the four men as he stood up, "At this time it would probably be best if the Captain and I thought over what we have learned so far. We can come to you later with further inquiries?"

"Yes," they assured him.

Spock nodded again and helped his stunned Bond-mate from the chair. He led him back to their room and shut the door. He set Jim down on the bed, "Jim, are you unwell?"

Jim looked up at him when he felt and heard the concern from his mate. There was that word again. He should be calling him his bond-mate, not mate. Mate was so primitive, but on some level, he like that raw, primitive feel of saying mate and being dominated by said mate. "I am not sure, Spock. I feel overwhelmed by everything already and now to find out that I am not human and may be able to have babies. For once, I think I am not going to be able to handle this situation."

"Indeed, it is a lot to process."

"I know. I am not sure what to process first. The fact we were experimented on and may not be fully the species we were before, I can have kids; naturally, I have heats, you have a barbed penis or the fact that the Klingons and Romulans are speaking civilly to us and sound like Vulcans—calm, cool and collected, no insults anywhere. My mind is officially boggled." he flopped back onto the bed.

"Indeed, it is hard to believe that we are dealing civilly with them. I have not met many Klingons of high intellect."

Jim snickered at his mate's way of saying 'stupid.' He felt his mirth through their link. 'Indeed.' he thought back at him. He chuckled at the mental eye roll from his mate. He lay there once his mirth had calmed down and went over everything that they were told so far. He went down the list, and the first question that popped up was when did the others get here, how long were they experimented on before everything the Excalbians want down were in place in their bodies. Oh, he knew some of the physical characteristics were there but were the mental ones. He thought back to the last time they had woke up, there were in these rooms, and he could have sworn that he heard Spock faintly before his "heat" had hit. So the telepathy was already in play, not sure about the empathic abilities, but only time would tell. He wasn't sure why they did not choose the Caitian people; some of them looked pretty human as some were non furred. That was a question for another day. He scrubbed his hands over his face in frustration. He was still exhausted from the marathon sex he had with Spock, and now with information overload, he couldn't think.

Spock could sense his mates frustration and exhaustion, "Come T'hy'la. Let us rest. We can go over all we have learned after we have rested."

"You're right. Let's get some sleep," he held up his hand when Spock opened his mouth to speak, "I know, Vulcan's do not need as much sleep as humans. Get over it, I want to cuddle, and that involves you in the bed. Now move." He shifted over to get the blankets out from under him so they could get into the bed properly.

"As you wish, T'hy'la." Spock climbed in and laid down. Jim snuggled up to his side and put his arm around his waist. "I will meditate this way while you rest."

"Alright," Jim said and drifted off to sleep quickly.

Spock closed his eyes and proceeded to slip into his meditative trance. Once he had reordered his thoughts from the pseudo pon farr, he would then go over all they have learned so far.

***Note*** I know, pretty short. I did not want to give too much away too early. See you next chapter.

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