Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

Admiral Pike leaned back in his seat and heaved a sigh. He shook his head, only Kirk can get kidnapped on shore leave, and of course, Spock will be along with him. He wondered if either of them figured it out yet. Those two go everywhere together. Even their shore leave for crying out loud. He looked up as his door chimed. "Enter."

The door opened, and there store fellow Admiral Archer. "Evening, John. What can I do for you?" he asked.

"Saw the call come in from the Enterprise. What has Jim and Spock got into now? I thought they were working on minor repairs and shore leaves." he said as he lowered himself into a chair.

"It seems those two got themselves kidnapped while on shore leave."

"Christ! Only those two. Those two do everything else together, why not getting kidnapped," Archer grumbled.

"I know. I was just wondering before you came in, how long it will take them to figure it out and get together officially."

"They'll be old and grey before that'll happen."

Pike chuckled. "You never know. Well, on to more important matters. I have to contact Ambassador Sarek on New Vulcan and let him know what is going on. I am waiting on results for some samples they found at the scene of the crime. Maybe it will give us a clue on who took them."

"Here's hoping. Well, I am heading home to my beagles. Not as young as I used to be. Keep me posted on everything. This will be a real shit storm, especially if Komack gets his pointy nose involved."

"Oh, God," Pike moaned.

"See, ya later, Chris," Archer said as he headed out the door.

"Bye, John. Lieutenant Ramirez, please send a message to Ambassador Sarek to contact me back as soon as possible if he is not available to take my call."

"Yes, sir." was the reply.


Thirty minutes and a pain reliever hypo later, he was notified that he had a call from Ambassador Sarek. "Greetings Ambassador Sarek," he said as he made the ta'al.

"Greetings, Admiral Pike," Sarek said, returning the Ta'al. "Your assistant said that you had an urgent matter to discuss with me."

"Yes, Ambassador. It seems while on shore leave, Commander Spock and Captain Kirk were kidnapped."

"I see. What is being done on this matter, Admiral?"

"We found some evidence from where they had been taken. The Science Lab on the Enterprise is currently working on it. We should hopefully know more once we have the results. We do know that they have been removed from the planet."

Sarek nodded his head. "Where were they taken from?"

"They were on Argelius II when they were kidnapped."

"I will speak with the Council. Can you have a ship come and get us? We will assist you with this matter as well."

"Of course, Ambassador. I will have the Enterprise come and get you."

"Thank you, Admiral. Live long and prosper." Sarek gave the Ta'al.

"Peace and long life." Pike gave the Ta'al in return. Sarek broke the connection.

He let out a sigh of relief. That went better than he had hoped. At least he took it well, and there were no eyebrows of doom coming into play. That was something the Vulcans excelled at. They did not get angry. That would not be logical, but they did have the eyebrows of doom. He turned to have his orders relayed to the Enterprise. He wished them luck on dealing with Spock's relatives.

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