Chapter 23

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***Note*** Lots of Admirals fighting and some homo- and xenophobic insults. Not too much and too hurtful. I am also playing with the timeline some.

Chapter Twenty-three

Pike rubbed his forehead and wished for the thousandth time he never made Admiral. Things were so much easier when he was Captain. He was currently listening to Komack and Marcus discussing why they needed to pull Jim and Spock from the Enterprise and give it to someone more deserving. He could tell by the look on the others' faces that they were getting aggravated with the two idiots. He knew that Marcus had hated Jim since he broke up with Carol. Felt she could have done better and that he broke her heart. Last time he talked to her, she was looked at Nurse Chapel as a love interest. Yeah, she was soo broken-hearted. Komack, on the other hand, was a Xenophobic Homophobic moron. How he managed to make it to Admiral was a mystery to him. Right now, the sanctimonious ass was stating that as the Captain and First Officer were compromised, they were a danger to Starfleet. How, as untrained telepaths and empaths, they could compromise the security of Starfleet. How he wished he could just shoot them and get it over with. Wonder how Komack would act if and when he finds out his partner in stupidities daughter was one of those skirt lifters he always goes on about.

"I am just saying that now that Kirk is no longer fully human, he could give Starfleet secrets to whoever is behind what the Excalbians did to them. And now we have two Klingons and Romulans on the Enterprise that could be plants. It is not natural for males to give birth to children, let alone together." Pike tuned in to the arguing in time to hear the homophobic comment from Komack.

"James Komack, I won't hear that kind of talk," Archer shouted at him. "We don't have to worry about those boys giving nothin' away. They are loyal Starfleet officers that risked their lives when we have the problem with Nero and again with Khan."

"The Kirk's have always been loyal officers in Starfleet, starting with George Kirk's selfless act that saved hundreds when the Kelvin was attacked. Just recently, we lost Jim Kirk's mother when her ship was attacked and destroyed by the Romulans. Jim has proven himself every time, and so has his First Officer." Heihachiro Nogura chimed in. He was a family friend and had known Captain Kirk since he was a small boy.

"You are correct, Heihachiro," Archer said. "I have here on my pad that the Vulcans have claimed him a citizen of New Vulcan and the bonded mate to Commander Spock. And as such is now under their protection along with the unborn twins." He waved the pad to add emphasis to his statement. He was frustrated with these two imbeciles; he knew that Marcus was a bitter fool, and he credited Komack's stupidity to him being born a few hundred years too late. He knew that whatever had been done to them, they were the same officers that serve Starfleet proudly.

"I don't know how that knob polishing, shirt lifting faggot was able to pull it off, but he has no business commanding a ship," Komack muttered under his breathe. It didn't matter because Nogura and Pike were close enough to hear.

"That is enough, Komack. If you continue, you will be brought before Starfleet for this behavior. James Kirk has proven many times that he has earned that command, and so has Commander Spock. This is the 23 rd century; we should be beyond such sentiment." Nogura's voice cut sharply across the room, still the conversation between Barrett and Archer on what do to assist Jim Kirk and Spock.

"We will come to a vote. It will stand the decision made now. All in favor of Captain Kirk and Commander Spock retaining their command, raise your hand." Archer, Barrett, Pike, and Nogura raised their hands.

"All those in favor of removing them?" Only Komack and Marcus raised their hands. The others already knew that they would be opposed to it, so they weren't surprised. Archer sighed in disgust at the two men. It was men like James T. Kirk and Commander Spock that brought in the new Cadets, hell even Pike was bringing them in. They want to be heroes like those men, not has-beens like the rest of them. Not that he would say that out loud, old he maybe but not crazy.

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