Chapter 14

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***Note*** I will now be bringing in the new people. There is a few day's time jump as they go through a crazy Pon Farr. Now more of the plot and what has been done to them will be revealed. But not all of it! *Evil laugh* The other experiments are introduced in this Chapter.

Chapter Fourteen

Once the haze of Spock's Pon Farr and Jim's for wont of a better word, heat lifted they dressed in the clothes that they found in their room and ventured out again. Their stomachs were complaining over the limited amount of food that was received during their time in seclusion. Spock was feeling very pleased but also guilty overturn of events. He was pleased to have Jim as his bonded finally but guilty over that he was forced into it by his physiology and whatever the Excalbians did to them. Jim felt the guilt and pleasure through their new bond; he sent back love and acceptance to his mate. He knew that they would need to discuss what happened and how they were going to deal with Starfleet. I did know that there was a clause in there that bonded couples got to work together. The only issue he could see would be Admiral Komack. The man was not only Xenophobic but Homophobic. He could not believe that the man-made it long enough in Starfleet to become an Admiral. He was sure that he could get Pike and Archer to assist on that matter. He felt amusement through their bond, so he knew his mate must have heard his mental ramblings. This was so cool.

The rumbling in his stomach brought those mental ramblings to a standstill. "Come, T'hy'la. Time to eat." They walked over to the kitchenette and stood in front of the replicator. "What do you wish to eat?"

"Um, I am not sure. The thought of a hamburger or steak makes my stomach queasy." He rubbed his stomach, hoping to ease the nauseous feeling.

Spock raised his eyebrow at that statement. "Would you like to try a salad, Jim?" he asked him.

"That sounds good. Just no meat."

"As you wish, Jim." He ordered their food and handed Jim a salad loaded with cheese, vegetables, and croutons. It was drizzled with bleu cheese dressing. Jim licked his lips; it looked delicious. It was surprising as Bones had been complaining about his eating habits since they were at the Academy, and he hated being forced to eat a salad. He mentally shrugged. At least this was not making his stomach roll. They took their food and went over to the table that was in the kitchenette. It was set up for six. They took a seat next to each other and started to eat. Jim looked over at what Spock had gotten. "What's that?" he asked him.

"Plomeek soup. It is a traditional Vulcan dish. Most humans find it bland," he replied.

"May I try some?" he asked him.

Spock nodded and held out the spoon for him to taste from. Jim took the spoonful and found that he liked it. "I like it," he told him.

"Indeed." And they went back to their food.

"Before I forget. I wanted to ask you, do all Vulcans have rough tongues like a cat's? Also, is it normal for a Vulcan to knot their partners?" Jim blushed as he remembered what lead to him thinking about that.

"Rough like a feline? Barbs?" he raised his right eyebrow.

"Yes, are they normally that rough? Also, you seemed to lock into me once you had climaxed. It brought to mind like cats when they breed." he asked.

"No T'hy'la. Our tongues are no different from a human's. We also do not have barbs. That is not part of Vulcan physiology," he replied.

"Oh," he said. "Well, for future reference, it's dead sexy," he told him.

"Indeed," came his reply. "I am unsure of why they would have made those changes to myself," Spock said. His brows furrowed in thought, he vaguely remembered seeing the little hairs while he was starting Plak Tow.

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