Chapter 27

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***Note*** They find out about Kirk's brother and Carol being the Scientists.

Chapter Twenty-seven

McCoy got everyone and thing he needed from sickbay. They beamed down to the planet and were met by a Vulcan healer. 'Greetings, Doctor McCoy. I am Stonn. I will be working with the Captain and the others on their new abilities."

McCoy nodded; he was expecting someone to help them with how to handle the Telepathy and Empathy; what he wasn't expecting was Spock's reaction to the healer.

"Stonn, I will handle teaching Jim what he needs to know."

"I am instructed to do this by the Vulcan Council, Spock. I will not harm your mate."

"Mate stealer. I will not let you near him."

"Peace, Spock. T'Pring broke the bond as she did not think you two were suited. I will do nothing to take your mate."

"I will rip you apart before I let you do so. I will be present for all sessions."

"If that is what you wish. Please follow me to where you all will be staying. It is a few houses down from your parent's new home. Spock."

Spock curtly nodded, and they followed him. God damn possessive bastard, McCoy thought. He winced when he saw Jim look at him with an apologetic smile and Spock's shoulders tense. They must have heard the stray thought. This was going to take some getting used to on all their parts.

"The Humans that you are to work with are already there waiting on you," Stonn said as they walked the last few feet to the building they were to stay in. Spock gave him another curt nod. They walked into the building, and McCoy and Jim sighed at being out of the heat. The house was cool and dim after being out in the heat and sun. He sighed as he saw Jim stiffen at the sight of his brother. He was happy to note that there was security there as well.

"Sam! What the hell are you doing here?"

"I am here as one of the Doctors requested by Starfleet command to check on you all and make sure there is no lasting damage."

"Who is the other Doctor?"

"Doctor Marcus," he told his brother. Jim seemed a little happier to note it was his friend and not some stranger. He hated doctors, except Bones, as he considered him family.

"Well, since Carol is here, you can head on out. Been taking care of myself without you since you left, can continue to do so."

"Jim, Starfleet commandeered me for this assignment. I am not leaving."

"Bones and Carol on the job, so there is no need for you." Jim started to get angry.

"Not leaving, I am on this for Starfleet, and I brought the boys along so they could meet you."

Spock could feel Jim's hurt, frustration, and anger at having his brother here. He stepped forward towards Doctor Kirk. "My mate has stated that you are not needed. You will leave the premises, or I will assist you in leaving."

McCoy got his hypo ready incase Spock decided to try and make good on his threat. He could see the security shifting and getting ready as well.

"I am not leaving my brother, Commander. I am here to help him."

"Help me. Where the hell were you when Frank would get drunk and beat the shit out of me after you left? Where the hell were you when mom shipped me off to Tarsus IV. Where were you when everything went to hell on Tarsus, and Kodos was killing everyone? You weren't there when I needed you before, why now? You wouldn't have come at all if it were for Starfleet."

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