Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve

Kirk opened his eyes, oh god when will this stop. It was getting damned annoying. He felt heavy as if his body was weighted down. Every muscle, ligament, and joints hurt. He groaned as he tried to sit up.

"Let me be of assistance, Jim." Spock helped him to sit upon the bed.

"Where are we now?" He noticed that the room was different from the last time they were awake, just before Yernak came in.

"We seem to be in some sort of living complex. I was able to open the door, but have not left the room yet to explore."

"Well, let's get going," he said and tried to stand up only to fall back on the bed.

"Jim, I believe it would be most prudent if we were to wait until you have recovered from whatever procedure the Excalbians have performed upon you."

"I'll be fine, Spock. Just give me a couple of minutes, and I will be up and moving in no time." He took a deep breath and tried to stand again. Once he was standing, if he leaned a little too much on Spock, well, then who was to know. Once he was steady, they moved from there to the door. Spock opened it, and they both left the room into what looked like a common room with a bunch of doors surrounding it. They moved a little further in and could see what passed for a small dining area near a kitchenette to their immediate right. Kirk started to wobble, and Spock caught him before he could fall to the floor.

"I believe, Jim, we should go back to the room. You need to lay down and regain your strength. We will not be able to plan an escape if you are unable to remain standing for long periods of time."

"Alright," he growled, annoyed at how weak he was feeling.

They turned back to the door and headed into the room. Spock led him over to the bed, and he laid back down. Once he was prone, he felt better. He drifted off to sleep. Spock looked down at Jim and gently touched his face. His beautiful Captain. He thought back to how he almost missed out on such a good friend. A friendship for the ages was what Spock Prime called it. It was agony seeing him every day and wanting him. He was afraid to say anything, so he did not lose that friendship when all he wanted was his T'hy'la. He sighed and laid down next to him on the bed. Vulcans did not need as much sleep as humans, but whatever the Excalbians were doing to them made him tired as well. He slowly drifted off to sleep, listening to the steady breathing of his beautiful Captain.


When Jim woke up next, he felt feverish, and his skin felt too tight. He moved around, trying to find a cool spot on the bed. His movements disturbed Spock, and he surfaced from his meditation. "Jim, are you well?"

"Spock," he groaned out.

Spock's eyebrows rose at the sound. He reached over and felt the heat radiating from Jim's body. "Jim, you are burning up, would you like some water?"

"Spock, I need..." he trailed off in a groan. He honestly did not know what he needed. I pulled at his shirt; it was sticking to his skin from the sweat.

Spock's nostrils flared at the intoxicating scent coming from Jim. He could feel the burn that the elders spoke of. How was this possible. It was as if he was suddenly thrust into the Blood Fever. It should not be coming on this quickly; it felt as if he had been experiencing the onset of Pon Farr for 5.34 days. He inhaled again to try and get him under control, but to no avail, the scent coming from Jim was so intoxicating.

"Spock," Kirk pleaded with his first officer. He didn't understand what was going on. He felt as if he was going up in flames. He thought he heard him talking, but he swore his lips had not moved. He heard words that he was unfamiliar with, Pon Farr and Blood Fever. He felt a sudden wetness between his ass cheeks. He could feel liquid coming from his hole. What was going on?

"Jim," Spock's voice was hoarse with need.

"Spock, please, I need. Make the pain go away." Kirk pulled at his shirt again; he shifted his body, trying to relieve the pressure that he felt in his cock. It was so hard, and the pants were constricting.

Spock looked at Jim, his face flushed with arousal. So beautiful, he thought. He reached out and helped Jim take off his shirt. He could feel Jim pulling at his shirt, trying to get it off of him. He stepped back and took his shirt and undershirt off and threw them on the floor next to the bed.

Jim's face flushed harder when he heard the word "beautiful" echoing in his mind. "M not beautiful." he slurred out.

Spock startled; he had heard him. "You heard me?" he asked.

"Yes, heard Pon Farr and Blood Fever," he replied as he tried to get his soaked pants off as well.

"Jim, I believe we have developed a telepathic bond. If I take you to bed, it will complete the bond. You will become my bond-mate. Do you understand?" Spock pulled Jim's face up, so he was looking at him.

"Understand. I have always wanted you. Even when you were choking me on the bridge."

Spock flushed green in embarrassment at the reminder of his conduct. It was not his finest hour, but he understood afterward what Jim had been trying to do. Save everyone.

"Are you sure, Jim?" Spock felt the need burning through him. Soon Plak Tow would be upon him, and he would not be able to stop.

"Yes!" Kirk yelled. He threw his pants on the floor; they hit with a wet splat. "Need you." He laid back on the bed and spread his legs. His cock was hard and laying against his abdomen. The pink mark from the incision was already fading; soon, one would not be able to see even that. Spock stood up and removed his pants. When he returned to the bed, he kneeled between those golden thighs. He could see liquid dripping from Jim's hole. It was pink and puffy. He was beautiful; everything about him was golden from his hair to his sun-kissed skin.

"As you wish, T'hy'la." he leaned down and kissed Jim. He tasted sweet and so addicting.

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