Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen

McCoy led the six men into sickbay. M'Benga and Carol looked up as they all filed in. They smiled at their Captain and First Officer. "It's good to have you back, Captain," M'Benga said as he set down the hypo, he was loading and grabbed a tricorder. He walked over to Spock and started to do a scan on him. "Hm, I see there are some anomalies now to your system. We will need to do some further testing." He frowned at the readings.

McCoy frowned from his scan of Jim and looked at Carol as she scanned the other four men. He looked over at her tricorder, then M'Benga's and back to his own. His frown deepened to see that the anomalies were all the same. "What the hell? Alright, everyone over to a biobed."

They moved over and sat on the beds. Carol, McCoy, and M'Benga got to work, checking everyone over and taking blood and tissue samples for the lab. When he was doing a more in-depth scan of Suran, and Korath, he noticed an anomaly that he missed before. He nearly fell over when he saw what it was. They were pregnant! He went over to Jim and did a more in-depth scan of him as well, and he was also. Jesus Christ! What was done to them?

"Is there something wrong, Doctor?" Korath asked him. He had heard his thoughts as well and knew that this was not going to go well. Humans were known for a lot of yelling without being physically aggressive. They were thought weak by his people, and to some degree, he thought so as well. But they seemed to bounce back better from what life throws at them, where his people being, so ridge tended to break.

"You three are pregnant! How?" he was flabbergasted.

"Well, when two people love each other and get together...ouch!" Jim clapped a hand to his neck, where Bones had jabbed him with a hypo.

"Not funny, smartass."

"Apparently, this was part of Yernak's great experiment and the start of a new world. Merrok and Kor can fill you in as they were there longer, and we have not gotten all of the information yet."

"Indeed, we have not been fully informed of everything on this matter. Thy'la is with child. That is most pleasing." And Spock did sound pleased. Jim smiled; he could feel how happy he was through their bond and shared thoughts. He could feel the pride coming from Kor and Merrok about their babies as well. It was almost a primitive possessive feeling, a feeling of happiness on having fertile mates and pride on how manly they were for impregnating their mates.

"Alright, gentleman. Lay it on us. We need to know what is going on as to let Starfleet Command know."

"As you wish, Doctor. They call us 'Bastans.' That was the name they gave us experiments. According to them, we are no longer just Romulan, Klingon, Vulcan, or Human. They took our DNA and mixed it with some traits from the Kintzi and Betazed. There plan is for a new race that exhibits traits from Vulcan, Human, Klingon, Romulan, Kintzi, and Betazoid. They wanted to have a Telepathic and Empathic Species. They seemed fascinated with an old Earth Goddess called Bastet, hence the name. They pulled the ability to go into heats, telepathy, among other things from the Kintzi. They looked for the gene on Telepathy and Empathy from the Betazoids."

"What was the among other things?" McCoy asked, wanted as much information as possible. He was not looking forward to the future conversation with Starfleet and hoped that Admiral Komack would not be sitting in on it.

"The ability to lock into their mates at the time of breeding. The dominants of the pairings all how barbs on their penis's now. The submissive now has the ability to go into heat, just like a female of the Kintzi. All pairings are Dominant/Submissive. We are not sure how they were able to tell who was what, though. Somehow they figured out a way for males to become pregnant and carry to term. They can give birth to them naturally, as well. Thus, removing the need to perform surgery to remove the child. They figured out what to adjust in the DNA that will force the body to create its own womb and eggs. This is why they chose a species that experience heats."

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